Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/230

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Christian Association (Birmingham Church of England Young Men's): see Young Men’s Christian Association.



130510 212410

180731 180733


68440 180730

51308 69169 89147 180734 44892


36038 68530

180735 180736

Christian Association (Birmingham Young Women’s) : see Young Women’s Christian


Christian Association (Bloomsbury and Nechells) :— [Ilkeston] (B. W. Foster, [lst Baron]) The Prinee’s [ness : its lessons, Lecture on the prevention of [zymotic] disease, [delivered under the auspices of the Bloomsbury and Nechells Christian Association.) pp. 29. Svo. 1872. —{ Another copy.] Christian Association (Commercial Travellers’) : see Commercial Travellers. Christian Chartist Church (Birmingham): see Chartist Church. Christian Education Society :—

Christian Education Society, Annual Statement, [1883-4.] pp, 4. Svo, 1884, Christian Endeavour Union, Birmingham Meeting, 1805 :—

British National Christian Endeavour, Fifteenth Convention, Birmingham, 1905, Programme. Illus. Svo. [1905].

Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association (Birmingham) :—

Aston (‘T. H.) Arehbishop Laud. A lecture. pp. 8. (Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen's Association.) 8vo. [1895].

Aston (T. H.) John Rogers; the Deritencl Martyr. A lecture. pp. 12. Port. (Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association.) Svo, 18M.

Aston (IT. H.) ‘‘ Of the Saeraments.” [A lecture before the Birmingham Christian Evidence Socicty, ete.] pp. 9. 8vo. 1877.

—{ Another copy.|

Aston (T. H.) Protestant Poems. pp. 16, (Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association.) duo. 1882.

Aston (T. H.) Protestant Poems, re-printed from Protestant & Evangelical Serials. pp. 16. (Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association.) duo, 1882.

—[ Another copy.)

Aston (T. H.) Scribes and Pharisees, ancient and modern. [Lecture before the Birmingham Christian Evidence Society.) pp. 12, 8vo. [e.1875).

—{ Another edn.] pp. 12. 8vo. [1877],

Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association. Protestant and evangelieal effort in Birmingham and neighbourhood : work earried on by Mr. I. H. Aston. pp. 8. Port. 8vo. 1881.

Birminghem Christian Evidenee Soeiety Tracts. 12 vols. 8vo. 1877-81,

No. 1,—Aston (I. H.) The Personality of the Holy Ghost, 2.—Knight (T.) The Bible :

moral difficulties considered. 3.—Bain (W. J.) The Arguments as to the Non- Eternity of Foture Punishment annotated. 4.—Aston (T, H.) The Doom of Meroz, 5—Romish Demands in Birmingham, 6.—Collette (C, H.) Cardinal Newman, 7.—Protestant Work in Birmingham: carried on by Mr, T. H. Aston. 8.— Barrett (J. C.) Gunpowder Treason, 9—Ninth Annual Report. 10.—Woodroffe (J.) The Mancetter Martyrs. 11.—Aston (‘T, H.) Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, 12.—Tenth Annual Report,

Catalogue of books in the Library of the Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association, pp. 22. 8vo. 1881.

Christian Evidence Society, Birmingham Auxiliary. (Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association). Annual Report, Ist-17th ; 2lst-23rd ; 25th-B8th (1908). 34 vols, Svo, 1872-[1909].

NOTE.—18th-20th and 24th Reports wanting.

Collette (C. H.) Roman Priests and Women. pp. 12. (Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen’s Association.) duo. [71880].

Collette (C, H.) Where was your Chureh before Luther ? pp. 12. ( Birmingham Christian Evidence and Protestant Laymen's Association.) 8vo. [1897].