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Birmingham Collection

Church Missionary Association (Birmingham): see Church Missionary Society.



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Church Missionary Gleaner (Birmingham and District). Jan., 1915, ete. [Localised edition.] 4to, 1915, ete.

Church Missionary Society :—

Africa and the East. Missionary Exhibition in connection with the Church Missionary Society. Bingley Hall and Prince of Wales’ Theatre, 1910. Official Guide. pp. 88. Illus. 8vo. [1910].

NOTE.—Appendad to the " Guide " ure “ The Exhibition Herald,” Nos. 1-3; Daily Programmes, ctc.

Birmingham and District Church Missionary Gleaner, Jan., 1915, ete. [Localised edition.) 4to. 1915, ete,

Church Misstonary Society, Birmingham Auxiliary :—

Birmingham Auxiliary, Church Missionary Society, Report, (1865-6, 1867-8— 1873-4, 1879-80, 1882-3, ete.]. Svo. 1866, ete,

[Ryder (Hon, H.)] and Biddulph (T. T.) Birmingham Church Missionary Association. Two sermons, preached at St. Mary’s and at St. James's, Ashted. With an appendix, containing the proceedings of a public meeting, for forming an auxiliary to the Church Missionary Socicty, 8vo. 1815.

Church Missions to the Roman Catholics : see Irish Church Missions. Church of England: see Churches ; Diocese.

Church of England Cemetery, Warstone Lane: see Cemeteries, Church of England College for Girls (Edgbaston) :—

Edgbaston Church of England College for Girls, Limited, Memorandum and Articles of Association. pp. 31. [With a collection of proofs and final copies of prospectuses, ete.}. ZHus. Plans. fol. {1885}.

Edgbaston Church of England College for Girls, Limited. Report (for 1886] (Ist), etc. fol. 1887, ete.

Church of England Defence Association (Birmingham) :—

Birmingham Church (of England) Defence Association. [Lectures delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham.) 4 vols. 8vo. [1861-] 2.

No. 1.—Bardsley (J.) Lecture on the past, present, and prospective circumstances of

the Church of England. pp. 24. 2.—Miller (J. C.) Lecture on Churchmen and Dissenters. pp. 16, 3, 4.—Hume (A.) I. The Church of England the best Home Missionary; If. The

Actual progress of Dissent in England : III. Further exposure of Fallacies, 60.

5.—Ray th) Churehmen and Dissenters before 1662, pp, 26. Birmingham Church of England Defence Association. Report of the Ist Annual Meeting, 1863. pp. 24. duo. [1863). Church [of England] Defence Institution (Birmingham and District Branch) :— Selborne ({ltoundell Palmer, Ist] Harl of) Speech [on Disestablishment] at a meeting of the Birmingham and Distriet Branch of the Church Defence Institution in the Town Hall, Birmingham, 1887. pp. 12. duo. [1887]. Church of England Incorporated Society for providing Homes for Waifs and Strays :— Grand Bazaar, ‘‘ Homes of England,” in aid of the Church of England Homes for Waifs and Strays, Town Hall, Birmingham, 1910. [Programme and tickets.] pp. 71. Ports. Ilus, 8vo. [1910]. Church of England Lay Association of Birmingham and its Vicinity :— . Report of the Chureh of England Lay Asoclaticn of Birmingham and its Vicinity, [1842-3] (4th) with appendix. duo, 1843. Seymour (Rev. M, H.) Popery in Ireland. A letter to the Bishop of London, Reprinted for the Church of England Lay Association of Birmingham and its Vicinity. pp. 12. duo. 1840. Church of England Men's Society :-— ’ : Annual Report of the ‘Good Shepherd” Branch, C.E.M,S,, [Small Heath,] 2nd, ete, 8vo, 1909, ete,