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Reference Library, Birmingham

Church of the Saviour (continued):—

258723 Church of the Saviour, Birmingham. Anniversary [Programmes]. 3rd-3th (1850-55); 10th-18th (1857-65); 25th-26th (1872-3); 30th-32nd (1877- 1879). 20 vols. duo. [1850-79].

258972 Church of the Saviour, Birmingham, Christmas parties. Programmes. 1855-56, 1864, 1868-72, 1875-76, 11 vols. duo, & 8vo. 1855-76.

250589 Church of the Saviour. An evening concert of Handel's Messiah, 1872. [Programme]. pp. 8. 8vo. [1872].

258925 [Church of the Saviour, Birmingham. List of the seathoklers in 1850.] Manuscript. pp. 27. duo, (1850).

2595382 [Church of the Saviour, Birmingham. Seat Rent book.] Jfanuseript. fol. 1876-1881}.

258743 coktreh of the Saviour, Edward Street. Services of sacred music, Oct. 28,

1848—Dec. 4, 1849. Books of words. 19 vols. duo. 1848-9. 68383 The Church of the Saviour Magazine. [Quarterly] New Series, No, 1 (March, 1863.) Svo. 1863. 250013 The Church of the Saviour Monthly Record: published by the ‘Teachers’ Association [and afterwards by the Sunday School Committee]. Vols. 1-13, 15-31 [very imperfect]. 30 vols. duo, 1865-95.

259590 Church of the Saviour Schools. Programmes of Readings and Songs, ctc., by Edward Capern, 1869-70. 2 vols. duo, [1869-70]. 258922 Church of the Saviour. Service of Sacred Music. Good Friday evenings, 1865, 1866, 1877. Books of words. 3 vols. duo. 1865-77. 259010 The Church of the Saviour Teachers’ Association Magazine. Vols. 1-4 (July, 1859—Dee., 1862). 4 vols. 8vo. 1859-62. 243651 Church Papers : printed for the use of the congregation meeting at the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham. Nos. 1-{7]. [Two editions of No, 3], duo, 1850-57. 240222 Dawson (G.) The Anniversary sermon preached at the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham, 1872. pp, 16, duo, [1872]. 87632 Dawson (G.) The Authentic Gospel ; sermons, Eclited by G, St. Clair. duo. 1881. 68445 Dawson (G.) The Christian Sunday not the Jewish Sabbath. Three discourses at the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham, 1856, pp. 37. 8vo. [1856]. 258060 Dawson (G.} The Death of the Czar [Nicholas I.]: discourse at the Church of the Saviour, 1855. pp. 8, duo. 1855, 246757 —{ Another edn,j 8th thousand. pp, 8. duo. 1856. 258003 Dawson (G.) The Demands of the Age upon the Chureh ; a discourse on the opening of the ‘* Church of the Saviour,” Birmingham. pp. 35, 8vyo. 1847. 12340 —2nd edn. pp, 28. 8vo. 1847. 98659 Dawson (G.) Every-day counsels ; sermons. Exlited by G, St, Clair, duo. 1888. 108872 Dawson (G.) Humiliation and Fast Days. A scrmon preached at the Church of the Saviour. pp. 16. duo. [1866]. 21010 Dawson (G.) Prayers with a discourse on prayer, [First series), edited by his wife, 7th edn. duo, 1878. 61790 —Second series, edited by G. St. Clair, duo. 1883. 67181 Dawson (G.) The Romish Church and her Hierarchy. [Lecture at the Church

of the Saviour.] (From the Birmingham Mercury.) pp. 7. duo, 1850, 50644 Dawson (G.) Sermon [at the Church of the Saviour, Birmingham]. Jn The Priestley Memorial at Birmingham, 1874, duo. 1875, 64746 —{ Another copy.)

21012 Dawson (G.) Sermons on daily life and duty. Edited by his wife. 3rd edn. duo, 1878. 21011 Dawson (G.) Sermons on disputed points anid special occasions. Edited by his I pec iy

wife. duo. 1878.