Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/239

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Birmingham Collection

Church Union for Birmingham and its Neighbourhood:—





173283 133672 260385

261304 2274


26037 44927



Birmingham Church Union. A Coimrade’s Harangue. By Miles Ecelesiasiicus.

pp. 24. duo. 1851. Church (Jrs.) [psewd.] :—

A Full, true, and particular account of a most indecent outrage on the person of Mrs. Church, of this Town. [A satirical history of the Church of England.] Gith edn. pp, 8, ( Birmingham.) duo. {21834}.

Cuurcu ( Bexzamry) :— Birmingham and District Trade Societies’ Guide, pp. 24. 8vo. [21881]. Church (William) :— :

Dr. Church’s London & Birmingham Steam Coach, 1833. 2 prints. [In

Birmingham serap book, Vol. 2]. [21833]. Churches :—

Act to authorize the patrons or patron for the time being of the Vicarage of Aston juxta Birmingham to appropriate and assign any part of the tithes and vicarial dues, ete., for endowing certain new Churches [St. John’s Deritend, Duddeston, Bordesley, ete.] within the said Vicarage if converted into District Parishes or Viearages, an for selling the advowsons, etc. (2 & 3 Will. IV., c. 20.) 400. 18382.

Act to vest a portion of the glebe lands of the Rectory of Saint Martin in Birmingham in trustces upon certain trusts for the benefit of the incum- bents for the time being of the ecclesiastical districts within the area of the ancient parish of Saint Martin, Birmingham ; ete. (56 Vict., ¢. 45.) 4to, 1893.

Aci to authorise the sale of the church of Christchurch and the church of Saint Peter with the school thereof (all in the city of Birmingham) and the application of the procecds of sale to the provision of new churches and schools in the suburbs of Birmingham, to merge the ecclesiastical parishes or districts of Christchurch and Saint Peter in the eeclesiastical parish of Saint Philip, to amend the Saint Martin’s Rectory (Birmingham) Act, 1893 ; ete. (Birmingham Churches Act.) (60 & GL Vict., ¢. 211.) 400, 1897,

—{ Another copy.)

Admonition to those who seklom attend Public Worship, [edited by W., Villers]: see Villers, below.

Anderton (t.) Birmingham Churches now (1901-2). Reprinted from the ‘‘Midland Counties Herald.” duo, 1902,

Archer (W. H.) If Christ came to Birmingham, (Public worship in Birmingham, ete.]. pp. 59. Svo. (1806).

Baynes ((A.] Hamiiton) bp. of Natal, ete. Two Centuries of Chureh Life, 1715-1915. St. Philip's Birmingham. pp. 76. Ports. Illus, 8vo. 1915,

—| Corrected copy.) 3

The Birmingham Pulpit: containing sermons by [local] ministers. [Weekly periodical}. Vols, 1-6 (22 July, 1871—6 Sept,, 1873.) 6 vols. 8vo. 1871-3.

(Birmingham Socicty for the Building and Endowing of Churches within the borough.’ Manuscript Minute Books, newspaper cuttings, etc.) 8vo. [1851-62].

The Birmingham Sunday Reporter. Weekly reports of sermons, &c. by popular Birmingham Preachers. Nos, 1-8 (3 Jan.—2l Feb., 1874.) 8vo. 1874

Brindley (J. M.) Church work in Birmingham. Reprint [from] the ‘‘ Bir- mingham Daily Gazette.” Syo. 1880.

—| Another copy.)

Carnegie (W.H.) [and] Perowne (A. W. T.) Chureh Finance. (A Report pre- sented to the Birmingham Cathedral Chapter.) pp. 23. Svo, 1910.