Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/242

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Churches (Birmingham Association of Congregational): see Congregational Churches.

Churches and Chapels (Incorporated Society for the Building, enlarging and repairing of):—







146558 45057

146559 61904


Ceaapbel (Rev, A. B.) A Sermon in aid of the Incorporated Society for the Building, ctc., of Churches and Chapels, preached in St. Philip’s Church, Birmingham, with a farewell address. pp. 40. duo. 1834.

Churches of Christ :—

The Bible Advocate. (Weekly journal of the Churches of Christ.} Vol. 21, ete. (Jan. 7, 1910, ote.) ( Birmingham.) 4to. 1910, ete.

Churches of Christ Year Book, 1908, ete. Annual Report, [1906-7] (63rd) ete. { Birmingham.) duo. [1907, ete.].

“The Old Paths.” [Monthly magazine on the doctrines of the Churches of Christ]. Vols. 20, 23-25, 27, ete. (1884, 1888-90, 1892, ete.) duo, 1884, etc.

Churches of Christ (Birmingham Publishing Committee of) :—

Oliver (L.) New Testament Christianity. (Birmingham Publishing Conimitice

of Churches of Christ.) duo. 1911, Churches Preservation Society (Birmingham) :—

Langford (J. A.) Shall Christ Chureh be destroyed ? pp. 12. | Birnangham Churches Preservation Society.) 8vo. [1897].

CHURCHMAN (A) [pseud.] :-— ;

An Authentic Account of the late Riots, in the town of Birmingham, [1791]: see Riots, 1791.

The Reprover Admonished, cic., [by Alfred Bunn], 1824: see Bunn. Churehman’s Resentment of a late Imposition, etc. [by John Gill]; see Gill. Churchwardens ; see Churches ; and under the names of individual churches, Cinderella Club (Birmingham ‘‘ Clarion ”’) :—

Birmingham Labour Church Cinderella Club. (Birmingham Cinderella Club ; Birmingham Clarion Cinderella Club.) Annual Report, 4th [1896-7], ete. 8vo. [1897, ete.].

[Six picture post-cards published by the Birmingham Clarion Cinderella Club.] 8vo. [1904].

Cinematograph Exhibitions :— :

City of ircatagaane Regulations made by the Justices for the ny a ain clecirie Jighting of Theatres, Music Halls, Cinematograph Exhibitions, ete., and for the construction and alterations of buildings for such purposes. duo, 1913. .

Circle (The), formerly The Circulator, Weekly periotlical : see Cireulator. Circulator (‘The), A Home Misecllany, ete, for Birmingham, its suburbs, etc. {Monthly periodical.} Nos. 1, 2. fol. 1881.

—{ Another copy.)

Cireulator (The), [aflerwards The Cirele. Weekly periodical.] New Series, Nos. 1-17 (Jan. 7—Apl. 29, 1882.) Ports. Illus. fol. 1882.

—{ Another copy, Wanting Nos. 3 and 6.)

Circus Chapel :—

Landels (W.) minister of the Circus Chapel, Birmingham, The Message of

Christianity. Lectures to working men. pp. 96. duo, [c.1855). Circuses :—

[A collection of bills and posters issued by the various cireuses, minor theatres,

etc., in Birmingham], fol. 1800-1832. Citizen (The Birmingham) : see Birmingham Citizen. Citizens’ Committee (Birmingham) [7'o relieve distress caused by the Muropean

War, 1914, ete.) :—

Birmingham Citizens’ Committee. Guide for helpers. pp. 11, duo. 1914.