Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/271

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Birmingham Collection

*Cotton (John):—

217260 Election squibe, ballads & broadsides, with ether impromptu veres, by

J C [Including ‘‘A Birmingham ballad on the clection suit of Pickering vy. Stertin.”] Private reprint. pp. 22. duo, [21886]. 217261 The Midland Arts Club, Some thoughts on oat in its’ relation to the com- munity. Presidential addvess. pp. 24. Syo. 1909, 144970 Old Meeting Trust. New Church & buildings proposed to be erceted in Bristol ' Strect, Birmingham. Report on plans, ff, 15. fol. 1883. 63953 St. Martin’s Wand Election, [1872]. Pickering v. Stariin. A review [in verse]

of the comedy lately played before his honour Gorgeous Dowdyswell, ete. By J.C. pp. 7. dno, [1873],

69280 ——[ Another copy.] ' 225832 Some midland musings and other verses in the lighter vein {including ‘* Lines

on the burning of Birmingham Free Library, 1879” ; “ The Midland Arts Club,” ete.| duo. 1910. 245025 Thoughts on architectural progress. Paper [before] the Midland Arts Club and the Architectural Assoviation, Birmingham, pp, 20. Svo. 186. Corron (Joux): see also Art and Artisis, Council -— . 17804 Act to incorporate the Birmingham ail Midland Institute, to define its constitution, ail to enable the Council of the Borough of Birmingham i to grant a site for the Institute Buildings. (17 & 18 Viet., c. 91.) dto, 1854. 202821 Barrow (W.) Address on the work of the City Couneil clurmg the lest three years, delivered io his consitituenis at Sherborne Strect Mission Room. | Je Birmingham Municipal Elections. A collection of leaflets, ete.] duo. 1901.

180362 The Birmingham City Couneil, 1003. | A photograph, with key.) (J. Beaufort, photographer.) fol. 1903. 240597 Birmingham City Council. List of engagements [of the Council, its Com-

mittees and Sub-Committees], Dec. 2nd, 1912, ote. [Published weekly.] duo. 1912, ete.

140757 Birmingham. Proceedings of the Council, [Nov. lth, 1851, ete, With General Index from Sept, 28th, 1852, to Oct. 16th, 1800.] 8vo. 1852, ete. 64251 Birmingham Town Council, Reduction of wages in the Pultic Works Depaat- ment, Report of the debgte in the Council, Jan, 4th, 1881, pp. 21. 8vo. [1881]. 7321 Borough of Binningham. The Industrial Schools Act, 1866. Extract from

Report of the General Purposes Committee ; Resolutions of the Council, cte. pp..11. 8vo. 1867. 67114 © Borough of Birmingham. Standing Orders of the Council, and Bye-laws, as

revised by the General Purposes Committee. For consideration by the

Council. /f. 11. 8vo. {1875}. 254058 | Chamberlain [J.] The dignity of municipal service, [Mr. Chamberlain's reply to the toast of his health, when entertained by the Town Council, Noy. 9, 1876.] fx Chamberlain [J.] Speeches, Vol. 1. Svo. 1914. : 63685 Chamberlain (J.) Publie House reform. Speech [at a meeting of the Bir- mingham Borough Council] in reply to an article by the Right Hon. R. Lowe, M.P. pp. 16. Svo. 1877. 58729 Charter of Incorporation of the Borough of Birmingham, 1838. [With the Standing Orders of the Council and Byelaws.] pp. 23, duo, 1851. 66461 Council and Committees. Stending ‘orders and bye laws. (Justices of the Peace, cte.) [Usually called the *‘ Municipal Diary.”*] 1865-6, ete. [Wants

1868-9, 1870-71, 1871-2, 1873-4, 1874-5, 1876-7.) duo. 1866, etc. sae

120683 —{ Another copy.] [Wants 1868-9, 1870-71, 1871-3, 1873-4, 1874-5, 1876-7, 1878-9, 1882-3.] duo. 1866, ete.