Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/287

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Birmingham Collection

Dates: see Calendars and Almanacs; History of Birmingham.

Davenport (Thomas):—

62417 Love to God and Man inseparable. A sermon preached before a Society of - Free and Accepted Masons, 1764; it St. John’s Chapel, Birmingham : ete. pp. 17. 15. 8vo, 1765, ;

Davenvort-Hnt (FLORENCE): see Hill. DavVENPORT-HILL (MaTTHEW): see Hiil. Davenrort-HI.t (Rosamunp) : see Hill. Davey (Hnnry) :— 143889 City of Birmingham Corporation Water Works. Illus, Maps. In Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings, Birmingham Jubilec Meeting, 1897. 8vo. [1897]. Davipson (ALFRED) :— 233333 A Hand-book to Aston Hall, Warwickshire, pp. 40, duo. 1856.

62297 History of the Holtes of Aston ; with a description of Aston Hall, Illus. by A. E. Everitt. pp. 76. fol. 1854. . 5477 —[ Another copy.]

52617 —{ Another copy.) Davipson (JoHN Mogrison) :— 207692 Eminent Radicals in Parliament : [including an article on Joseph Chamber- lain,] duo, 1879.

  • Daviss. (Czcit T’.).

Davies (Ricuarp) :— Davies’s New Map of Birmingham (1841); see Maps. Davies’ (Alice) Concerts :— 260484 Miss Louie Scott and Miss Alice Davies’ concert at the Masonic Hall, Bir- iningham. Programme. pp. 10. 4to. 1901. - Dayirs (CoomBes) :—

71542 Prize Ode for the inauguration of the [Working men’s] Industria! Exhibition, Birmingham, 1865. pp. 4. 8vo. [1865]. 64874 —[ Another copy.)

Davies (Evax) Work edited by :— 170388 Williams (Rev. E.) [of Carr's Lane Chapel], Works, [with a memoir.} Port. 4 vols, Svo. 1862. Davies’ (Fanny) Concerts :— 260300 Miss Fanny Davies’ Concerts at the Masonic Hall, Birmingham. Programmes, ete. [various]. 8vo. & 4to. 1886-1906. Davies (GroRrGE) :-— 224758 Birmingham City Mission. Noe] Road Training Home and Refuge for Girls, {its origin and history. With Report for 1907, Anon,] pp. 22. Ports, Illus.

8vo. 1908. 209887 A Man of Mark. A humorous sketch of Mr, Thomas Hewins. pp. 16, Port. 8vo. 1895. 180737 A Protestant veteran. Mr. T. H. Aston. [ Anon.] pp. 8. Port. 8vo. 1897. 224759 Reminiscences of the City Mission and its work in Birmingham. pp. 47. Ports.

Illus. 8vo, [1909]. 209877 Sketch of the rise and progress of Primitive Methodism in and around Bir- mingham, pp. 45. duo. 1882. Davies (Isaiah) Work relating to :— 85473 Dredge (W.) Davies’s rotary engine: a description of an engine at the manufactory of Messrs, Edelsten and Williams,’ Birmingham. pp. 42. Illus, 8vo, 1849, Davtns (Lean) afterwards Mrs, Wells ; see Wells.