Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/356

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Eames s Book :— Domesday Book, or the Great survey of England of William the Conqueror.

AD. 1086. Facsimile of the part relating to Staffordshire. Photo- zincographed. pp. 6. Illus. (Southampton.) 4to. 1862.

Doceniay Book for the county of Warwick, translated by W. Reader, ete, (Coventry.) 4to. 1835.

—{ Another copy, with manuscript notes}.

Domesday Book for the county of Warwick, translated by W. Reader, 2nd edn., with introduction by E,P. Shirley, pp. viit. 38. (Warwick.) Ato. [21880].

Domesday Book, or the great survey of England of William the Conqueror. AD. 1086. Facsimile of the part relating to Warwickshire. Photo- zincographed. pp. vi. 14. Illus. (Warwick.) 4to. 1862.

Langford (J. A.) Birmingham, Aston, and Edgbaston as seen in Domesday

' - Book, Jn Birmingham & Midland Thenbate. renee Section, Trans- actions, 1880-81. 4to.-1884. - - Domestic Economy Congress, 1877 :—

Richards (S. W.) Congress on Domestic Keonomy, Ist Annual Congress, Royal ‘Birmingham Society of Artists, 1877. Paper on the influence of order, method, and cleanliness in factories and workshops upon the homes of the industrial population. pp. 25. 8vo. (1877). ;

Visitors’ guide to the exhibition in Birmingham, i in connection with the first annual congress on domestic economy, in the rooms of a Royal Society of Artists, July, 1877. pp. 9. duo. [1877].

Domestic Exhibitions :—

Official catalogue of the Everything’ for the home Exhibition, Bingley Hall, Birmingham, 1909, 1910, 1911. Svo. (1909, etc.

20th Century Food, cookery, and domestic Exhib ition, Bingley Hall, Bir- mingham, 1900. Official daily catalogue & music programme, [Oct, 25.] pp. 12, 8vo. [1900].

~ Domestic Mission (Hurst Street) : see Hurst Street Domestic Mission.

Domeie Mission Society (Birmingham Unitarian) : see Hurst Street Domestic ion, Domestic Training (Graham Street School of), formerly oo Dissenting Charity School ; see Protestant Dissenting Charity Schoo Donaldson's (Florence) Concerts :— Miss Margaret Wild, and Miss Florence Donaldson’s pianoforte & violin recital at the Masonic Hall, Birmingham. Programme, pp, 8, duo, 1886. Donati’s Concerts :-— Signor Donati’s Patriotic concert at the Town Hall, Birmingham, Programme. pp. 16. Svo. 1865, Doxovan (CHARLES) :— Discussion on phrenology, between C. Donovan and the Rev. B. Grant, in the new Oddfellows’ Hall, Temple Street, Birmingham, 1849. With notes and appendix. pp. 47. 21. duo. [1850]. —{ Another copy.) Doran (Dr. Joun) F.S. A. :— Memories of our great towns ; [ineluding @ chaptet on Birmingham, 1865]. 8vo, 1878. Dorothy Firebrace, or The Armourer’s Daughter of Birmingham : see ® Robinson (Emma). Dorrripce (ERNeEst) :— [Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. Pantomime, 1905-6: Book of words]. Blue Beard. pp. 40. 8vo. [1905]. —-