Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/382

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Reference Library, Birmingham

237048 253826 202821 251460 202821

114949 217260 63053 69280 259654


258273 258274 240637

44890 62752 222481

195456 94476

64216 216350

Elections (Municipal) -—

Elections (Miscellaneous) (continued) :—

Borough Registration. Precept [from the Town Clerk] to the Overseers of {the Borough of Birmingham]. Registration of Occupation electors. pp. 10, Blank form. fol. [c.1900}].

Straightforward, or the West Birmingham Elector. [Monthly Unionist news- paper]. No. 1 (May, 1914), ete. fol. 1914, ete.

Barrow (W.) Address on the work of the City Couneil during the last three years, delivered to his constituents (Ladywood Ward) at Sherbourne Street mission room. [ Jn Birmingham Municipal Elections. A collection of leaflets, ete.] duo 1901. ;

Birmingham Liberal Association. Nechells Ward. Ward Paper No. 1. (Sept. 1, 1873). 8vo. 1873.

(Birmingham Municipal Elections. A collection of leaflets, portraits, posters, etc.}. fol. [1901, ete.}.

Borough of Birmingham. Copy of the roll Book for St. Peter's Ward, on the election of councillors. 1 Noy., 1852. Manuscript. 4to. [1852].

[Cotton (J.)] Election squibs, ballads and broadsides, ete., by J-—— C— [ fneluding A Birmingham ballad on the election suit of Pickering v. Startin}. Private reprint. pp, 22, duo. [21886].

(Cotton (J.)] St. Martin’s Ward clection [1872], Pickering v. Startin. A review {in verse} of the comedy lately played before his honour Gorgeous Dowdyswell ete. By [. C. pp. 7. duo. [1873].

—[ Another copy.]

[Duddeston cum Nechells Ward, Election, 1838. A collection of leaflets, posters, ete.]. fol. [1833].

Forward ; [a monthly newspaper]. Vol, 1, No. 5. Special election number, Oct., 1912. [Zn Birmingham Municipal Elections, 1912. A collection of leaflets, ete.}. fol. 1912.

Forward (The [Scho]), (Published monthly by the Handsworth Labour and Socialist Party). Vol. 1, No. 5 (Dec., 1913), fol. 1913.

Handsworth Election Notes. Official organ of the Handsworth Defence Committee, No. 1. March 18, 1911. Ports. fol. 1911.

Selly Oak Forward. [A newspaper]. Nos, 1-4 (Oct. 11—Oct. 29, 1913). [In ee Municipal Elections, 1913, A collection of leaflets, ete.]. ol. 19138.

Tangye ({Sir] R.) Birmingham Liberal Association. Rotton Park Ward. The Improvement Scheme and the coming elections. A speech, in Clark Street Board Schools. pp. 14. 8vo, 1879,

Elections (Parliamentary) :-—

Acland (Rt, Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke) 11th Bart. Speech at the nomination of candidates for the representation of Birmingham, pp. 24. 8vo. 1859.

Amery (L. 8.) South Division of Birmingham. Parliamentary bye-election, 1911, Election Address. [Jn Birmingham Parliamentary Elections. A collection of leaflets, ete.}. 8vo. [1911].

{Banquet in celebration of the return of seven Unionist members for Bir- mingham, 1906. Souvenir, circulars, tickets, ete.]. fol. [1906].

The Bible and Birmingham ; reminiscences of the years 1884-5, etc. For the consideration of voters at the coming election. A letter, by One who neither preaches, lectures, nor makes speeches. pp. 54. Svo. (1885).

Birmingham Election, 1837. The Poll Book: with a list of the House of Commons, ete. pp. 34. 8vo, 1837.

_ Birmingham Election News. [Daily newspaper]. Nos. 1-11 (Jan. 4-16). All

published. fol. 1906.