Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/390

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Engineering :— 263615 ' Smirke (R. 8.) Engineering and allied trades, Report on Birmingham Trades, prepared for use in connection with the Juvenile Employment Exchange. (Board of Trade.) pp, 59. 8vo. 1916. Engineering and General Trades Exhibition, 1900, etc.: see Trades Exhibition. Engineering & Mining Journal (Birmingham [formerly University of Birmingham)) : see University. Engineering (Municipal) : see Public Works Department. Engineering Society (Birmingham Municipal Technical School) :-— 172725 Birmingham Municipal Technical School Engineering Society. Proceedings 1895-6, 1896-7, and Programme for 1896-7, 2 vols. 8vo. [1896-7]. 172728 Hodgson (R. B.) Lecture to the Technical School Engineering Society, Bir- mingham 1900. Economical steam raising, pp. 23. 8vo. [1900]. Engineering Society (Mason College}: see Mason College. Engineering Society (University of Birmingham): see University. Engineering: see also Accles, Limited ; Birmingham Small Arms Co., Limited ; Derwent Works; Motor ‘Trade; Soho; ‘Tangyes Limited. Engineers (Birraingham and District Society of Model) : see Model i i Engineers (Birmingham Association of Mechanical): see Mechanical Engineers (Birmingham Association of). Engineers (Institution of Mechanical) : see Mechanical Engineers (Institution of). Enaneey) paeeren & Universal Mutual Life Assurance Society (Birmingham ranch) :— 258966 Dawson (G.) Something better than saving, Extracts from a lecture in the Town Hall, Birmingham. (Engineers’ Masonic and Universal Life Assurance Society.) pp. 11. duo. 1852. English Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Association : see Cattle Shows. English Church Union: see Church Union (English). 63087 English Ladies Pocket Companion (The) ; or useful memorandum book ; for 1784,

1790 [Plates wanting). (Birmingham). 2 vols, duo. 1783-9. NOTE.—-Steereeded by The English Ladies Pocket Book, 63088 English Ladies Pocket Book (The), for 1800 (Birmingham). duo. [1799]. NOTE.—Preceded by The English Ladice Pocket Companion.

EneutsH (THOMAS ALFRED) :— 56426 Report on a scheme for supplying compressed air motive power in the town of Birmingham, etc. pp. 60. Plans, etc. fol. 1883. Ex@uisuman (An), [pseud.j} : — Letter to his Fellow-countrymen ; see Letter. Engravings and Engravers :— 95359 [Baker (8. H. & 0.) Etchings of views of Birmingham]. fol. [1887]. 89393 Borough of Birmingham. Visit of the Queen, 23rd March, 1887. Description of the route of the Royal Procession ; [with etchings by 8. H. and O, Baker]. pp. 18. 8vo. [1887]. 86470 Grew (I.) A few specimens of ol Birmingham engraving on copper and steel, 8 plates. 4to. 1886.

198711 Grimes & Newton, [diesinkers, Birmingham.] A selection of ornament. Plates. 4to. [c.1840]. 34914 Royal Society of Artists, Birmingham. Exhibition of engravings by Bir-

mingham men ; with introduction and biographical notes by J. T. Bunce, pp. 42. 8vo. [1877]. 128745 —{ Another copy.) Engraving and Engravers: see also Goodyear (Joseph); Radelyffe (Thomas) ; 5 (Bernard) ; Talbot (L. Agnes) [in general catalogue]; Views.