Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/395

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Birmingham Collection

150150 150175 201270



190068 63236


68447 64261


63242 236027



260362 239397


14527 239345 16718

as (Sir Jon) ary irmingham and Midland Institute. ** The Antiquity of Man.” i the Town Hall, 1899. pp. 18. Port. 8vo. (1809). ee 2 —{ Another copy.] ‘ absent athe Be Henry) :-— er. (The Birmingham Reservoirs). By L. H. Evans and R, Darlingto pp. 32. Ilus. duo. [1907]. : Reem Evans (R. H.) auctioneer: see Hamper (William).


The Appeal to Caesar : (The ** 2000”), A Christian idyll. [A poem on the Birmingham Education League ”]; reprinted from the ‘‘ Birmingham Daily Gazette ” [of 1869], Dec. 25, 1885. pp. 3. 8vo. [1885]. [George Dawson as a speaker]. Jn Wilson ([W.] W.) The Life of George Dawson, ete. 8vo. 1905, —[ Another copy.) A ‘‘ League” scholar. Reprinted from the ‘‘ Birmingham Daily Gazette ” [Dec. 25, 1869. an Anti-Education League poem]. pp. 10. duo. {71869}. Politics and Protestantism : address at a meeting convened by the Working Men’s Liberal-Conservative Association, pp, 23. 8vo. 1868. —{ Another copy.) The Ratepaying clauses of the new Reform Bill. Address to the Birmi Working Men’s Liberal-Conservative Association, 1867. pp. 14. 8vo. [1867]. Rhymes read in the Queen’s drawing-room at Aston Hall, 1859, in memory of the birth of Robert Burns, 1759, [ Anon.] pp. 8. duo. [1859], —f{ Another copy.] Shakespeare cantata, written and composed for the Tercentenary Celebration of Our Shakespeare Club, Birmingham. Words by 8. Evans. Music by T. Anderton. Manuscript. obl. 8vo. [1864]. ‘* "Tis a pale poet, etc.” Lover's song from the Shakespeare cantata com for the Birmingham Tercentenary Celebration. Words by 8. Evans. Music by T. Anderton. pp, 7, Manuscript. 4to, [1864]. Evans (Wattrr Henry) J.P, :— Borough of Aston Manor Education Committee, Address by the chairman, Alderman W. H. Evans, J.P., March 29, 1904, [being the Report for the year 1903-4]. 8vo. (1904). Evans’ (Walter J.) Concerts :— Walter J, Evans’ Concerts held in the Town Hall and City Assembly Rooms, Birmingham. Programmes [various]. 4to. 1892-96. Evening before the Crucifixion (The). [On sectarianism, particularly in Bir- . By G. F.] pp. 36. duo. 1860, Evening Despatch ; see Birmingham Evening Despatch. Evening Despatch Portrait gallery.[Portraits and short notices of eminent men, chiefly of Birmingham]. From Birmingham Evening Despatch. pp. 24. fol. [1913]. Evening Ex (The). Gratis. [Daily newspaper], No. 143, etc. (Jan. 6, 16, Feb. 3, 28, Mar. 6, 1868). (Birmingham)]. fol. 1868. Evening News (Birmingham): see Birmingham Evening News. Evening Schools: see Education. Everirr (Auten E,) :— ‘ Aston Church. Zius, In Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archwological Section. Transactions, 1872. 4to, 1873. Handsworth Church and its surroundings. A lecture in the Parish School Room, Handsworth. pp. 53. Illus, 8vo. 1876. : —[ Another edn.] In Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archeological tion, Transactions, 1876. 4to. 1880.