Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/415

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Birmingham Collection








Frerrox (WuisAm Grorae) (continued) —

The Staunton Folio. A series of illustrations of Coventry, Warwick, and Brinklow, mostly from private plates collected by Sharp, Staunton, &c., and preserved at Aston Hall, with letterpress by W. G. Fretton. Published by the Archwological Section of the Birmingham and Midland Institute. pp. 39, Illus. fol. 1883.

“* Fripay ” {pseud.] Work edited by :— Facts & Freaks: see Facts. Frienp (A) [pseud,]:— m4 _ A Letter to John Bull, Esq. : see Letter. Friend (A) To Consistency anp Truts [pseud.] :—

[Queries and observations addressed to Mr. Wm, R., respecting his altercation with Mr. W. at the Revolution dinner, 5 Nov. 1790, ete. In A collection of broadsides, ete , relating to Dr, J. Priestley, collected by 8. Timmins, ete.]. fol. [1774 cte.].

Frienp To Justice [pseud.]: see Gregory (_ ). Frienp ‘ro Liserry & Prosprerrry (A) [pseud.] :-—

Address to the Association for the protection of Liberty & Property, held at the Hotel, Birmingham, pp. 13. duo. 1792.

  • Frienp (Joux AtBert Newton). ;

Friendless Girls (Ladies’ Association for the Care of): see Girls, Friendly Benefit Building and Investment Society: see Building Society. Friendly Institution (Birmingham) :—

Account of the Birmingham Friendly Institution, pp. 8. fol. [c.1830)]. Friendly Musical Socicty : 2¢¢ Musical Society (Friendly). Friendly Societies :—

Articles to be observed and kept by the members of a Society, held at the house of 8. Fallows, Spring Gardens, Mill Street, Birmingham. pp. 12. Svo. 1800.

Rules and orders to be observed and kept by the members of a [Sick] Society, who have agreed to meet at the sign of Sic John Falstaff, Hill Street, Birmingham. pp. 12, duo, 1826,

Rules and orlers to be observed by the members of a [Sick] Society, who have agreed to mect at the house of Mr. J. Shenton, the Rose and Crown, Broms- grove Street, Birmingham. pp. 12. duo. 1814.

Friendly Societies : see also

Battery and Metal Co. Modern Masone.

Building Socicties. Money Societies.

Carpenters and Joiners. Musical and Anicable Society. Clerks’ Provident Association. Mutual Sick Benefit and Old Age Coal and Coke Society. Society.

Co-operation, Old Meeting.

Co-operative Society, People’s Hail of Science,

Ebenezer Provident Sick Society, Provident Institution, ete, Foresters. Provident Lodge.

Gas Fitters’ Trade Association. Rechabites (Independent Order of). Girls’ Friendly Society. Rose and Crown Sick Society.

Good Intent Friendly Society, Shepherds,

Good Templars. Swedenborgians. ‘

Graham Street Chapel. Union Provident Sick Society. Investment and Loan Society. Unitarian Brotherly Benefit Society. Licensed Victuallers’ Society. United Brothers.

Friends’ Hall, Cotteridge:— City of Birmingham Education Committee. Day School for young employees. Youths’ School, Friends’ Hall, Cotteridge; Girls’ School, Stirchley Institute. Prospectus for Session 1914-5, ete. 8vo. [1914, ete.]. ;