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Gipson (WILFRID Witson) :—

Womenkind. A play. ({Birmingham] Pilgrim Players Series. No. 4.) pp. 24. duo. 1912.

GrrrarpD (fev. Epwin H.): see Gifford.

  • GirrorD (Rev. Epwix H.) :—

Statistics of King Edward’s Grammar School, Birmingham. Jn Transactions of the National Association for the promotion of Social Science. [ Birmingham Meeting] 1857. 8vo. 1858.

Girrorb (Jtev. Evwin H.): see also Grammar Schools of King Edward VI.


Gild : see Guild.

Gites (Frep) :—

A Hundred and fifty years ago. [Description of old Birmingham], In Central Literary Magazine, Vol. 9. 8vo. 1890,

A Tale of old Birmingham. (John, Duke of Northumberland's plot against Edward Birmingham]. In Central Literary Magazine, Vol. 9, 8vo. 1889.

Gites (Joun Eustace) -—

Tracts of the National Complete Suffrage Union. No. 12. The Suffrage demonstrated to be the right of all men. [Zn A collection of tracts, ete., relating to the National Complete Suffrage Union]. 4to. 1843.

Gives (WittiAM LrEsE) :— The Christian offering. Lecture in the Baptist Chapel, Cannon Street, Bir- mingham. pp. 24. duo, [e.1870].

  • GiLes (JOSEPH).

GILriLLaNn (Rev. GrorcE) :-— George Dawson. [ Anon.] From ‘Tait’s Magazine. 8vo. {1848}. Gilfillan (Rev. George) Work relating to :—

Langford (J, A.) George Dawson. An examination of the Rev. George Gilfillan’s notice of George Dawson, which appeared in ‘*Tait’s Magazine.” pp. 16. 8vo, 1848.

Gill (Hannah) Work relating to :—

Gill (Tf. H.) ** A more than conqueror.’ Some memorials of Hannah Gill

{of Birmingham]. pp. 15. duo. 1872. Ginn (Rev, Jonn) :-—

The Church-man’s resentment of a late imposition, or, Some short reflections upon a pamphlet called, A Dialogue between a Baptist and a Church-man, oceasion'd by the Baptists opening a new Meeting-House at Birmingham, by a Consistent Christian, &e., [i.e. Rev. 8. Bourn, the younger]. [ Anon.] pp. 24. duo. [1738], :

Girt (Jour) :-—

Cornforth’s pic-nic at Knowle, 1858. [Descriptive poem on a Birmingham

works outing. Anon.) pp. 7. duo, [1859].

  • Gu (Tuomas H.) :—
    • A more than conqueror.’ Some memorials of Hannah Gill [of Birmingham}.

pp. 15, duo. 1872. Gitieser (Ricnarp WiLLiAM) :—

On some memorials of old Birmingham. [With a translation of the Survey of 1553.) dn Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archeological Section. Transactions, 1887. 4to. 1889.

GutLesrie (Ricuarp WILLIAM) Work edited by :—

[Survey of Birmingham, 1553. From Exchequer treasury of receipts, mis- cellancous books, A $. ‘Translation, by R. W. Gillespie.] ff. 65. Manuscript. 4to. [1886].