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St. Luke xxiv. 50, 51; Acts i. 9. "He lifted up His hands and blessed" the Apostles; and immediately after "while they beheld, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight."

Prove that He sitteth there with His body.

It appears from St. Mark xvi. 19, that in whatever manner "He was received into heaven," in the same manner "He sat down on the right hand of God."

What is He there doing?

Pleading the merits of His own sacrifice on the cross before the Father, for the benefit of His people on earth.

Prove that He will remain in heaven until the day of judgment.

In Acts iii. 20, 21, it is said that "the heavens must receive Him until the times of the restitution of all things," that is, when all things will be made new; which will take place at His second coming to judgment.

Article V.

What is the subject of the fifth Article?

"The Holy Ghost."

What is meant by the Holy Ghost "proceeding from the Father and the Son?

That He issues forth from them and is sent by them.

Prove that He proceeds from the Father.

John xv. 26; Matt. x. 20. He is called "the