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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

several historical and biographical works , such as 契丹國志 A History of the Kitan Tartars, 歷代職官表考, Biographies of Officials, etc. etc. The treatises on the Constitution entitled 欽定皇朝通典 and 皇朝文獻通考 are founded an unfinished work of his.

342 Chiang T'ing-hsi 蔣廷錫 (T. 楊孫 and 西谷. H. ). A.D. 1668—1732. A native of Kiangsn, who graduated as chin shih in 1703, and in 1717 became one of the Readers to the Emperor K'ang Hsi. Under Yung Chêng he rose rapidly to be a Grand Secretary. As a youth, he was successful as a poet and a flower-painter. Author of a collection of poems and essays entitled 靑桐軒諸集, and President of the Commission under which the 圖書集成, the vast encyclopaedia initiated by the Emperor K'ang Hsi, was ultimately brought to completion. He had also been Vice President of the Commission appointed to compile the Institutes of the present dynasty. Canonised as 文肅

343 Chiang Tzŭ-ya 姜子牙. 11th and 12th cent. B.C. The common designation of an old man named 呂尙 Lü Shang (T. 子牙) whose clan name was Chiang, and who became the chief counsellor to Wên Wang. One day, when the latter was going out hunting, he was told by the divining-grass that his quarry would be none of the usual animals, but a "Prince's Teacher." He fell in with the above old man, then eighty years of age, who was fishing with a straight piece of iron instead of a hook, upon which the fishes readily allowed themselves to be caught, in order to satisfy the needs of this wise and virtuous angler. "Ah!" cried Wên Wang, "it is you for whom my grandsire looked." Thereupon he carried the old man home with him in his chariot, and named him accordingly 太公望.

For twenty years he served Wên Wang and his son, aiding them