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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

his defeat by the Western Ch4ns. Joining Tuan Yeh, he mordered and succeeded him, at first with the title of Duke; and after proclaiming himself Prince of |f^ ^ Ho-hsi in 412, he finally became an Imperial vassal. In 420 he annexed the Western Liang* State. He was succeeded by his son J^fj^ Mn-chien, bat in 489 his territory became a prey to the Wei State.

1620 Meng I ^ 1^ . Died B.C. 20». Brother to M«ng T^ien , and Minister nnder the First Emperor. At the instigation of the ennnch Chao Eao, he was put to death by Ha Hai as a dangerous person.

1521 Meng K'ang ^ j^ (T. ^ ^ ). 3rd cent. A.D. A descendant in the 18th generation from Mencius. He served under the Emperor Ming Ti of the Wei Kingdom, but is best known by his com- mentary on the History of the Han Dynasty.

1B22 Meng K*o ^ 1^ (T. -^ H and -^ ^ or -^ jg ). B.C. 872 — 289. A native of ^ Tsou, in modern Shantung, known to foreigners as Mencius, which is the Latinised form of ^ '^ Ming Tzu , the philosopher MSng. His father's name was ^ ^ M^ng Chi (T. ^ ^ ), and his mother's maiden name was ||i Chang. It was under the care of the latter that he was brought up, and her name remains a household word to the present day. After the death of his father, he lived with his mother near a cemetery, the result being that he began to reproduce in play the solemn scenes which were constantly enacted before his eyes. His mother accordingly removed to another house, near the market- place; and before long the little* boy forgot all about funerals, and played at buying and selling goods. Once more his mother disap- proved, and once more she changed her dwelling; this time to a house near a college, where he soon began to imitate the ceremonial observances in which the students were instructed, to the great joy and satisfaction of his mother. Later on he studied under K'ung Chi, the grandson of Confucius; and after having attained to a