Page:A Chinese Biographical Dictionary.djvu/936

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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

and rose to be keeper of the Imperial Library. He lost favour at Court by opposing an issue of iron cash in Eiangnan, and was relegated for a time to a provincial post. He was a poet of repute, and also wrote the ^ ^ , a commentary on the Canon of Changes. He was known as |^ ^ ^ ^ , from a term applied to him by the Emperor Euang Tsung. Canonised ^ '^ ^ -

Tang Wei-Cheng ^ H ^ (T. H ^ ). Uth cent. A.D. A 2415

native pf Kuei-chi in Chebkiang, who graduated as chin shih in 1327 and served for a short time as magistrate. His disposition was unsuited however to a public career, and he retired to Shanghai where he built himself a ^^hanging garden'* and amused himself by entertaining friends and playing upon an iron- flute. His poetry, mostly composed under the inspiration of deep potations, was much esteemed. In 1369 the Emperor Hung Wu summoned him to Court. What!" cried he, '^should an old woman of 80 get ready a second trousseauV He was kindly treated, and after 120 days was allowed to return home.

Tang Wu >^ ^. Died A.D. 908. Eldest son of Yang Hsing-mi, 2416 and his successor in 907 as second sovereign of the Wu State. He soon gave himself up to a life of debauchery, in consequence of which the Minister ^ 2§l ^^^ WSn caused him to be assassinated, and placed his brother upon the throne.

Yang Ten >^ j^ (T. ^^). Died A.D. 781. A native of 2417 ^ ^ T4en-hsing in Shensi , whose father :^ ^ Yang Po had been an official, popularly known as jf^ ||^ ^ ^ . He was noted for his splendid beard and eyebrows, as well as for a spirited disposition; and after the death of his father he received an appoint- ment in the public service. Becoming a proteg^ of Yiian Tsai, when the latter fell he was banished to a petty post in Hunan, from which he was recalled at the accession of the Emperor Tfi Tsung in 779, and rose to share with Lu Ch*i the full control of the