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50 Georg III. Cap, i, v ii.

unttil the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and ten; be it further enacted, That the said several Duties on Sugar, Malt, Tobacco, and Snuff, and the said Acts granting and continuing the same, and all the provisions thereof, shall be and the same are hereby severally and respectively further continued from and after the Expiration of the Time limited as aforesaid, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, and all Monies arising thereby, which shall be paid into the said Receipt of the Exchequer, shall be entered sepa­rate and distinct front all other Monies paid and payable to His Majesty.

The Duties continued by the above Act have been subsequently continued to the 25th March 1817, by the undermentioned Acts, which it is unnecessary to insert in this Collection; viz.

51 Geo. III. Cap. 2, Section 38.
52 Geo. III, Cap.— — — 1, Section— — — 39
53 Geo. III, Cap.— — — 15, Section— — — 39
54 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 2, Section— — — 39.
55 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 3, Section— — — 39
56 Geo, III. Cap.— — — 15, Section— — — 39


An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army find their Quarters.

[21st March 1810.]

General Court-martial to consist of not less than 13 Members except in Africa, &c.XVIII.PROVIDED always, and be it further enacted, That the General Court-martial for the Trial of any Officer (except in Africa or New South Wales) shall consist of less than Thirteen Members.

The above Provision has been renewed by the undermentioned Acts; viz.

51 Geo, III, Cap. 8, Section 19.
52 Geo. III. Cap. 29, Section 19.

Officers of the King's forces and Officers in the East India Company's Service may sit in conjunction at Courts-martial, &c. XXVI. And whereas it may also be expedient, when any of His Majesty's Land Forces are employed in the, East Indies, that Officers in the Service of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies should in certain Cases, be associated with Officers of His Majesty's Land Forces, for the Purpose of holding Courts-martial; be it enacted and declared. That when and as often as there may be Occasion, it shall and may be lawful for Officers, of His Majesty's Land Forces, and of the Forces in the Service of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, to sit in Conjunction at Courts-martial, and to proceed in the Trial of any Officer or Soldier, in like Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as if such Courts-martial were composed of Officers of His Majesty's Land Forces, or of Officers in the Service of the said United Company only; with this Distinction, that, upon the Trial of any Officer or Soldier of His Majesty's Land Forces, Regard shall, be had to the Regulations and Provisions made by or in pursuance of this Act; and the Oaths administered to the several Members of the Court-martial shall be in the Terms by this Act prescribed; and upon the Trial of any Officer or Soldier in the Service of the said United Company, Regard shall be had to the Regulations and Provisions made by or in pursuance of an Act passed in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, intituled, An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion of Officers and Soldiers in the Service of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies and for the Punishment of Offences committed in the East Indies, or at the Island of Saint Helena;" and the Oaths administered to the several Members of the Court-martial shall be in the Terms prescribed by the same Act.

The above provision has been annually renewed by the undermentioned Acts; viz.

51 Geo. III. Cap. 8, Section 27.
52 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 22, Section— — — 29.
53 Geo, III. Cap.— — — 17, Section— — — 30.
54 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 25, Section— — — 31.
55 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 20, Section— — — 31.
55 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 108 Section— — — 31.
56 Geo. III, Cap.— — — 10, Section— — — 31.