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intention was rather to criticise than adopt the views of the Spiritualists as embodied in Mr. Kiddle's remarks. Therefore, from a careful perusal of the passage and its contents, any unbiassed reader will come to the conclusion that somebody must have greatly plundered over the said passage and will not be surprised to hear that it was unconsciously altered through the carelessness and ignorance of the Chela by whose instrumentality it was "precipitated." Such alterations, omissions and mistakes sometimes occur in the process of precipitation; and I now assert, I know it for certain from an inspection of the original precipitation proof, that such was the case with regard to the passage under discussion, I can assure the "Student" who throws out a suggestion in his letter to Light that there might be some deep psychological problem involved in the matter in dispute, that there is one, and that one is no other psychological mystery than the above indicated. The Mahatma against whom the accusation has been brought will, of course, think it beneath his dignity to offer any explanation in his own defence to Mr. Kiddle or his followers and supporters. But I hope Mr. Sinnett will be good enough to place before the public as soon as possible such explanation or information as he may be permitted by the Mahatma concerned, with regard to the "Mystery" of the passage in question and the manner in which the letter which contains the said passage was received by him.

In conclusion I cannot but regret that some writers in the Spiritualistic organs and other English journals have thought it fit to drag our Mahatma's name into public print without any necessity for doing so, using, moreover, such remarks and insinuations as are fully calculated to be highly offensive to those who have the good fortune to be personally known to, and acquainted with, the Mahatma in question. The reproach contained in the Protest of 500 Hindu theosophists—just published in Light—may be fairly applied to many a Spiritualists besides "G. W. M. D."