Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/224

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ancient archaic science, for which an enquirer will search in vain the mystical books of the East, are often symbolically represented in some of the most celebrated places of pilgrimage in India. The mysterious ideas generally associated with the position of Benares (Kaci), its past history and its innumerable gods and goddesses, contain clearer indications of the secrets of final initiation than a cart-load of books on Yoga philosophy. Look again at Chidambaram and examine carefully the plan on which its celebrated temple was built by Patanjali, by the light of the Kabalistic, the Chaldean, the Egyptian and the Hindu doctrines relating to the great mystery of the Logos. You are far more likely to penetrate this mystery by such a course of study than by examining all the obscure statements of the ancient initiates regarding the sacred voice of the great deep and the impenetrable veil of Isis. Masons are searching in vain for the lost golden delta of Enoch; but an earnest seeker of truth who has comprehended the rules of interpretation which are applicable to such subjects will not find it very difficult to discover this delta in Chidambaram. Similarly, various occult secrets find their true interpretation and explanation in Srisylam, Ramanal, Jugganath, Allahabad and other places, justly considered as sacred, owing to their various associations, by the followers of the Hindu religion. It would require several volumes to explain at length the sacred symbols connected with these places and their mystic significance, and interpret in a proper manner the Sthalapuranums relating thereto. As no writer was permitted in ancient times to divulge in clear language the secrets of occult science to the public, and as books and libraries could be easily destroyed either by the ravages of time or the vandalism of barbarous invaders, it was thought proper to preserve, for the benefit of posterity, in strong and lasting edifices of granite, some of the greatest secrets known to the designers of these buildings, in the form of signs and symbols. The very same necessity which brought into existence the Sphinx and the great pyramid led the ancient leaders of Hindu religiouis thought to construct these temples,