Page:A Collection of Loyal Songs - Volume 1.djvu/8

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Of the Firſt Volume.
The States New Coin. Page 1
A Song. 3
The Zealous Puritan. 4
A Song. 6
Mr. Hampden’s Speech againſt Peace at the cloſe Committee. 8
England’s Woe. 12
A Song. 14
The Humble Petition of the Houſe of Commons. 17
The Anſwer to the Petition, &c. 20
The Parliament’s Pedigree. 23
The French Report. 25
The Complaint. 27
To the City of London. ibid.
The Character of a Roundhead 1641. 30
A Curtain Lecture. 31
A mad World my Maſters. 35
The Parliament Hymns. 38
The Roundhead’s Race. 40
Pym’s Anarchy. 41
The Caution. A Song. 43
