Page:A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads relating to India and Neighbouring Countries Vol 1.djvu/26

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The first settlers of the Rohilla Afghans were two brothers, Shah Alam and Husain Khan, The son of the first of these, Daud Khan, achieved some distinction in the earlier part of the eighteenth century. But the rise of the family is owing mainly to his son Ali Muhammad Khan, who was adopted by Daud Khan. Ali Muhammad by his successes on his father's death collected many Afghan adventurers, and for his services against the Ban Saiyids he received the title of Nawab and a grant of the greater part of Rohilkhand. He happened to offend the Subadar of Oudh, who repaired to Delhi, and by his representations induced the King of Delhi, Muhammad Shah, to take the field against the Rohilla Chief. Ali Muhammad was compelled to surrender, and was made to relinquish his territory, and to deliver two of his sons as hostages.

Not long afterwards he as placed in charge of Sirhind, but taking advantage of the confusion in the first months of the Emperor's reign, consequent on the invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali, he passed into Rohilkhand and made good his supremacy over the province. In the next reign he obtained a confirmation of this territory from the son of Muhammad Shah.

Previous to his death, he made a disposition in favour of his six sons and till the return from captivity of his two elder sons (who had been seized by Ahmad Shah) and the majority of his other sons, he entrusted his territory to the guardianship of Hafiz Rahmat Khan the brother, and Dudi Khan the cousin, of Daud Khan. Not long after his death the two sons were released. The final arrangement made by the guardians was, to place Faizulla in a jagir comprising Rampur Katra, estimated to be worth six lakhs per annum.