Page:A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads relating to India and Neighbouring Countries Vol 11.djvu/105

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i N.-W, P. Provtucc—Pshawn FxcstIc—Yunfnü—Na, IV & V. Pad 1 Additional Ar&les with the Uhnncai of KAuMul and Kyah. 8. Vie will not permit any person to convey green salt from our settlements aerüss the Indus into British territory, whether he be resident in our settlements or not. 9. Inasmuch as the IChubbul ferry of the Indus has been established and a boat placed thereon for our convenience and advarnage by the British Government7 we hereby declare that we hold it and enjoy the privilege oF using it, subject to such conditions as the British Government may see lit [S impose; and! further, we will permit no residents within our setilements or others to cross the Indus to British territory on Shuniaeis by night; and those only shall be permited to cross on Shurnaeis by day, to whom permission to do so may be granted by the British authorities on the security of respectable Mullkks. in. Inasmuch as we are permitted to hold free intercourse with British territory for trading and other iipos without payment of tax or duty, we berth7 agree to rc’linquish all claim to tax arid dew on merchandise of every descnption belonging to resident trndets of British territory in its passage through our setllemenLs osaka to all tILities hercilolore levied on timber floated down the Indus by liritisli merchants ; and in return for the protection we receive in British territoty. we agree to afford protection to the best of our ability, to all merchants and others horn British territory trading with or through our country, and we will, to the best of our ability, prevent robbers or others from exacting blackmail or other imposts from them within our settlements. xi. We will oui-selves1 as the proprietors, hold the lands of Sittanab, and ourselves arrange for the cultivation and management thereof; and we will not give possession thereof1 or of any part thereof1 (or purposes of cultivation or otherwise to the Svuds late of Sittanab, or to the Flirmdoostanj fanatics, or to the iolbwer of citer. Executed by the Salar Tufla of Jydoons at A th4ottabad, this twelfth day oJSeflernbcr, One thousand Eight Hundred an’t sixty-one. Exerts ted by the KhrzbbuI nnd Kyah btanch of th Utmanni Pat hans at Abbotta4ad, chir .Seventecnth day of Sept em 6cr, 0cc thoususd Eight Hundred and sixty-one NOIV. TRANSLATION of an AGREEMEXT executed by the tFrMAnzAI TRIULt, on 6th January 1864. We the undersigned Kimavi KLan, Humeetl7 Peer Khan Mauzuliaft, ArimulIsh, Ren, Muwax, and Muhammud Whan, are the MuUicks and thstwortby men of the Ootmanzai tribes, and inhabitants of Khullçurdotcba, Whereas on the second appearance ol the Hindustanees and Monlvies in the territories of Sittanah and Mundee, a force of the Ifritish Government came and burnt down their houses; and whereas the Hhidustanees being delcated by that force took to flight1 we have now waited upon Major