Page:A Compendium of Irish Biography.djvu/282

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places his character in a very unfavourable light, and denounces the Government for availing itself of his services during the Insurrection of 1798. "^ ' ^

Hntcheson, Francis, LL.p., the reviver of speculative philosophy in Scot- land, was bom, 8th August 1694, at Downpatrick, where his father, John Hutcheson, was a minister. He studied theology and followed his father's profes- sion of Presbyterian divine. His Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas on Beauty and Virtue, a work which made his name widely known, introduced him to the notice of such men as Archbishop King, Dr. Synge (Bishop of Elphin), and Vis- coimt Molesworth. In 1 728 he published his essay on The Passions and Affections, in virtue of which he was the following year promoted to the Chair of Moral Phi- losophy in Glasgow. His next works were text-books for the use of his classes. He died at Glasgow in 1747, aged 52. His System of Moral Philosophy, the work on which his fame as an ethical writer depends, did not appear until 1755. It was edited by his son. An admirable memoir by Dr. Leechraan is prefixed thereto. Dugald Stewart writes: "The metaphysical phi- losophy of Scotland, and indeed the lite- rary taste in general which so remarkably distinguished this country during the last century, may be dated from the lectures of Dr. Francis Hutcheson. . . Butler and Hutcheson coincided in the two important positions, that disinterested affection and a distinct moral faculty are essential parts of human nature. Hutcheson is a chaste and simple writer, who imbibed the opi- nions without the literary faults of his master, Shaftesbury. . . He was the father of speculative philosophy in Scot- land, at least in modern times. We are told by the writer of his life that * he had a remarkable rational enthusiasm for learn- ing, liberty, religion, virtue, and human happiness ; that he taught in public with persuasive eloquence ; that his instructive conversation was at once lively and modest ; that he united pure manners with a kind disposition. What wonder that such a man should have spread the love of know- ledge and virtue around him, and should have rekindled in his adopted country a relish for the sciences which he cultivated. To him may also be ascribed that proneness to multiply ultimate and original princi- ples in human nature, which characterized the Scottish school till the second extinc- tion of a passion for metaphysical specula- tion in Scotland. A careful perusal of the writings of this now little-studied philoso- pher will satisfy the well-qualified reader 258


that Dr. Adam Smith's ethical speculations are not so unsuggested as they are beauti- ful." His person is thus described: "A stature above middle size, a gesture and manner negligent and easy, but decent and manly, gave a dignity to his appearance. His complexion was fair and sanguine, and his features regular. His countenance and look bespoke sense, spirit, kindness, and joy of heart. His whole person and man- ner raised a strong prejudice in his favour at first sight." '^'t «4

larlath, Saint, of Tuam, the son of Loga, was born about the beginning of the 6th century. He was the first Bishop of Tuam, of which he is the patron saint, and where his memory has ever been highly venerated. He established a school where several eminent men of the time were educated. He died at Tuam in 540. The 26th December is observed as his festival. He must not be confounded with St. lar- lath, third Archbishop of Armagh, who died nth February 482, ^33339

Ibar, or rberins. Saint, flourished in the 5th century. He was a disciple of St. Patrick and the friend of St. Bridget. His school and retreat at Begerin in Wex- ford Harbour were long famous. His death is placed in the year 500; and the 23rd April is regarded as his festival. He is locally known as St. Ivory. "' ^^4

Ingham, Charles C, portrait painter, was born in Dublin in 1797. Having studied art, probably in the schools of the Eoyal Dublin Society, he removed to the United States in 1817, and with his brother occupied a front rank as a por- trait painter. He was the founder of the National Academy, and was for many years its Vice-President. Drake says: " Besides a great number of portraits of the reigning beauties of his day in New York, his 'Flower Girl,' 'Day Dream,' and ' Portrait of a Child,' are good speci- mens of his style and manner." He died in New York, loth December 1863, aged about 67. 37.

Ireton, Henry, a distinguished gene- ral and statesman of the English Common- wealth, who served in Ireland, was born at Attenton, in Nottinghamshire, in 16 10. He married Cromwell's daughter Bridget. On 15th August 1649 he sailed from Mil- ford for Dublin as Major-General in com- mand of one division of Cromwell's army, and served through the campaigns of the autumn and spring. After Cromwell's de- parture for England in May 1650, he was appointed President of Munster and to the supreme command of the Irish army. Con- naught with a large part of Munster still