Page:A Compendium of Irish Biography.djvu/284

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rick, where she is chiefly venerated. She died in 570 119 her festival is the 15th January. 119 192 234

Jackman, Isaac, was born about the middle of the 18th century, in Dublin, where he afterwards practised as an attorney. He ultimately removed to England, and for many years edited the Morning Post. He wrote some dramatic pieces. One, All the World's a Stage, is still occasionally acted. His other works have fallen into oblivion. 116

Jackson, William, Rev., born of an Irish family, possibly in England, in the middle of the i8th century. His father held a post in the Prerogative Court, Dublin. Early in life he maintained himself as a tutor in London, and afterwards, entering the Church, he became a popular preacher in Tavistock Chapel, Drury-lane. He was next chaplain to the Duchess of Kingston, on whose behalf he engaged in a controversy with Foote, the comedian. He went over to Paris on the business of the Duchess about 1790, and continued to reside there. Early in 1794 he came to Ireland on a secret mission to the leaders of the revolutionary party. Passing through London, he divulged his plans to an old friend John Cockayne, an attorney, who immediately entered into private communication with Pitt. In Dublin, Jackson and Cockayne had interviews with Tone, Rowan, and Lewins, relative to French assistance. Cockayne revealed everything that had passed to the Government, and on the 28th April 1794 Jackson was arrested on a charge of high treason, at Hyde's Coffee-house, in Palace-street, Dublin. He was tried a year afterwards, and upon Cockayne's evidence convicted. Brought up to receive sentence, 30th April 1795, he managed before entering the court to swallow a quantity of arsenic — in the hope, we are told, that in dying before conviction his little property might be preserved to his family. As he entered the dock he whispered to one of his counsel: "We have deceived the senate." The scene that ensued was one of the most dramatic enacted in those exciting times. His fortitude did not forsake him to the last; for it was scarcely perceived by the spectators that he was ill, when he fell down in the agonies of death, and after a few minutes' struggle died in the dock. In his pocket was found a paper with a few verses from the 25th Psalm, commencing: "Turn thee unto me and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted." His remains were followed to St. Michan's (where his tombstone may now be seen) by an immense number of mourners. In Newgate before his trial he wrote a reply to Thomas Paine. A volume of his sermons was printed after his death. Cockayne was requited for the sacrifice of his old friend and client by a pension of £250. 331

Jacob, Arthur, Dr., an oculist, was born at Knockfin, Maryborough, 30th of June 1790. He studied medicine at Steevens' Hospital, Dublin, and subsequently at Edinburgh, Paris, and London. He settled in Dublin, where his high scientific attainments were soon acknowledged. In 1819 he discovered the membrane in the eye, afterwards called "membrana Jacobi." He was one of the founders of the Park-street School of Medicine, and of the City of Dublin Hospital. In 1838 he started the Dublin Medical Press. He died in September 1874, aged 84, having many years previously retired from practice. 233

Jacob, Joshua, the leader of an eccentric sect, generally known as "White Quakers," was born in Clonmel about 1805. After a business career of great success as a grocer in Nicholas-street, Dublin, about 1838 he was "disowned" by the Society of Friends, of which he was a member, on account of the extravagance of his preaching and behaviour. He thereupon gathered a few disciples, for the most part members of the Society of Friends, with whom he entered upon a career of the wildest eccentricity. They dressed in white, destroyed everything ornamental in their houses, and cherished innumerable scruples — professing all through to keep to the spiritual sense of the Bible. The society had its principal stations in Dublin, Mountmellick, Clonmel, and Waterford. They issued a series of tracts entitled the Progress of Truth. Joshua Jacob was imprisoned for two years for contempt of court connected with trust property, and while a prisoner fulminated anathemas against Lord-Chancellor Sugden and Master Litton, as " Edward Sugden and thy man Edward Litton." About 1849 he gathered his followers into a communistic society at Newlands, near Dublin, once the residence of Lord Kilwarden. They eschewed the use of meat, used bruised corn alone as food, and accepted the fellowship of all comers. Joshua Jacob had early put away his first wife without cause. After her death he married a Catholic, a woman of humble origin. The community at Newlands soon fell to pieces, and he returned to "the world," and entered into business at Celbridge. There he reared a large family, all Catholics. The