Page:A Compendium of the Chief Doctrines of the True Christian Religion.djvu/113

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left hand unto heaven; and he heard him swear by him that liveth for ever and ever. In each of these cases Daniel himself was, as to his spirit, in the intermediate world between heaven and hell; and the various things, which he then saw, were evidently in the same.

Zechariah, chap. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. In these chapters Zechariah describes what he saw, when his spiritual eyes were opened to discern the things of another life; among which was an ephah with a woman sitting in the midst of it, and a leaden weight on it's mouth; the whole lifted up between the earth and heaven by two women, who had wings like the wings of a stork, chap. v. 6 to 9.

Luke xvi. 26. Abraham in heaven said to the rich man in hell, "Between us and you there is a great gulf fixed." This great gulf is that intermediate state and place between heaven and hell, of which we are speaking.

Matt, xxviii. Mark xvi. Luke xxiv. John xx Chap. xxi. By each of the Evangelists we are informed, that our Lord, after his resurrection, was in a spiritual state previous to his ascension into heaven; and that, while in this state, he at different times appeared to his disciples, by opening their spiritual eyes, and thereby enabling them to see his person, now no longer material as before. In the Acts of the Apostles, chap. i. 3, we also read, that he continued no less than forty days in that part of the spiritual world, which lies between heaven and hell, and that at length he ascended towards heaven, until a cloud received him out of their sight, ver. 9.

Apoc. i. 10. Chap. iv. I. Chap. vi. 9. Chap. vii. 1. Chap. viii. 10. Chap. ix. 1, 2. Chap. x. 1, 2. Chap, xi. 12. Chap. xii. 5. Chap. xiii. 1, 11. Chap. xvi. 16. Chap. xvii 3. Chap. xviii. 1. Chap. xix. 17 to