Page:A Compendium of the Chief Doctrines of the True Christian Religion.djvu/92

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the quantity of water applied to the body be much or little, the result in both cases being exactly the same.

The first use of baptism is introduction into the new and true christian church, and at the same time insertion among such in the spiritual world, as acknowledge a similar faith with this church on earth. The mere ceremony of baptism, however, as before observed, is only an external sign of introduction or admission into the church, preliminary to future instruction; and therefore it may be lawfully administered to infants, even while they are as yet void of reason, and consequently incapable of receiving or comprehending any thing relating to faith. Yet this sign, like every other act performed according to the directions of the Holy Word, is perceived in heaven, and the person baptized is thereby distinguished in the spiritual world, according to the quality of the faith professed at the time of baptism.

The second use of baptism is, that the person baptized may know and acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ, and follow him by a life of obedience to his commandments. This knowledge and acknowledgment are gradually acquired: for man must learn, first, that Jesus Christ is the Saviour and Redeemer of the world; secondly, that he hath all power in heaven and on earth; and, thirdly, that he and the Father are absolutely one and the same Divine Person. Thus he will be led to acknowledge the Saviour himself as the One Only God manifested in the flesh, in whom nevertheless is a divine trinity, called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, like the soul, body, and operation in man. But it is not sufficient that the understanding be enlightened to discern these most essential truths; the heart and the life must also be engaged in the work of regeneration, which proceeds, step by step, as man departs from evil, and learns to do good.