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for ever here signifies service with his master to the end of his life. But in the internal or spiritual sense it signifies to eternity, because it refers to the state after death. It is said to eternity, for the reason that they who do good from the obedience of faith, and not from an affection of charity,—who are represented by men-servants,—can never be brought to a state of good, that is to such a state that they act from good, in the other life. For the life of every one remains after death. Such as a man is when he dies, such he remains; according to the common saying, "As the tree falleth so it lies." Not that he is such as he was about the hour of death; but such as from the whole course of his life he is when he dies. They therefore who during their life in the world have been accustomed to do good only from obedience, and not from charity, remain so to eternity. These are perfected indeed in respect to obedience, but do not attain to anything of charity. (A. C. n. 8989-8991.)

The Urim and Thummim.

The breastplate of Aaron, which was called the Urim and Thummim, was composed of twelve precious stones, on which were engraven the names of the twelve tribes, or of the twelve sons of Israel (Exod. xxviii. 15-30; xxxix. 8-29). It is well known that responses from heaven were given by this, but from what origin has not as yet been revealed. It shall therefore now be told. All light in the angelic heaven proceeds from the Lord as a sun; that light therefore in its essence is Divine truth, from which comes all the intelligence and wisdom of the angels, and also of men, in spiritual things. This light in heaven is modified into various colours, according to the truths from good which are received; hence it is that colours in the Word, from their correspondence, signify truths from good. And by this means the responses were given, through a resplendency from the colours of the stones which were in the Urim and Thummim, and then at the same time either by a living voice or by a tacit perception, corresponding to the resplendence. (A. E. n. 431.)

The Breaking of the Tables of the Decalogue by Moses, and his Hewing out other Tables.

"And Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount" (Exod. xxxii. 19). The external of the Word is its literal sense. This sense is signified by the tables, because this sense is as a table, or as a plane, on