Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/213

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Inaugural Address.

of States, the Judges, and, as far as practicable, for the other guests.

The invited guests are requested to present themselves at the door of the hall in the order above indicated.

At the statue of Washington the President elect, the Vice President elect, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the officiating clergyman, Confederate Judge, Governors of States, Judges of the Supreme Courts of States, the Chief Marshal and his aids, and six of the Committee of Arrangements will take position on the platform. Prayer will then be offered by the Right Rev. Bishop Johns.

The inaugural address will then be delivered, after which the oath will be administered to the President by the Confederate Judge, in Richmond, the Hon. J. D. Halyburton, and the result will be announced by the President of the Senate.

The oath will then be administered to the Vice President by the President of the Senate, who will also announce the result.

The several legislative bodies will then return to their respective halls, and the President and Vice President will then be escorted to their respective homes by the Committee of Arrangements.


February 22, 1862.

Fellow-Citizens: On this the birthday of the man most identified with the establishment of American independence, and beneath the monument erected to commemorate his heroic virtues and those of his compatriots, we have assembled to usher into existence the Permanent Government of the Confederate States. Through this instrumentality, under the favor of Divine Providence, we hope to perpetuate the principles of our revolutionary fathers. The day, the memory, and the purpose seem fitly associated.

It is with mingled feelings of humility and pride that I appear to take, in the presence of the people and before high Heaven, the