Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/433

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First Congress.

Richmond, Va., Feb. 11, 1864.

To the Senate and House of Representatives.

I herewith transmit, and recommend to your favorable consideration in secret session, a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, asking for authority to transfer the amount appropriated under secret act No. 6, approved September 19, 1862, to the appropriation under secret act No. 31, approved October 6, 1862.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., February 12, 1864.

To the House of Representatives.

In response to your resolution of the 21st ultimo, I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of War, relative to the delivery of the "tax in kind" at the Government depots by the producers.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., Feb. 12, 1864.

To the House of Representatives.

In response to your resolution of the 29th ultimo, I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of War, submitting copies of papers relating "to the trial and conviction of W. E. Coffman by a military court," and to "a writ of habeas corpus issued from the circuit court of Rockingham County, Va., to prevent the execution of said Coffman."

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., Feb. 12, 1864.

To the Senate and House of Representatives.

I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of War, covering copies of several additional reports of General Beauregard, connected with the defense of Charleston.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., Feb. 12, 1864.

To the Senate of the Confederate States.

In response to your resolution of the 2d ult., I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of