Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/513

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Second Congress.

Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the thanks of Congress are eminently due, and are hereby cordially tendered, to Major General N. B. Forrest, and the officers and men of his command, for their late brilliant and successful campaign in Mississippi, West Tennessee, and Kentucky — a campaign which has conferred upon its authors fame as enduring as the records of the struggle which they have so brilliantly illustrated.

Approved May 23, 1864.

The Congress of the Confederate States of America do resolve, That the thanks of Congress are eminently due, and are hereby cordially tendered, to the Ninth Regiment of Texas infantry, for their patriotic conduct in reënlisting for the war, and tendering their energies, lives, and honor to the service of the Confederate States till it is ended and our independence achieved.

Approved June 4, 1864.

Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the thanks of Congress are eminently due, and are hereby most cordially tendered, to Major General Richard Taylor, and the officers and men of his command, for the brilliant successes obtained by them over the enemy in Louisiana during the past year, and particularly for the victories at Mansfield and Pleasant Hill, on the eighth and ninth of April last, and their subsequent operations against the retreating army of the Federal General Banks, in the valley of the Red River.

Resolved, That the President communicate this resolution to Major General Taylor and the officers and men of his command.

Approved June 10, 1864.