Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/547

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Second Congress.

Richmond, Va., Jan. 5, 1865.

To the House of Representatives.

In response to your resolution of the 30th ult., I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, which conveys the information that "no coals were taken from the steamer 'Advance,' in October last, or at any other time, for the naval service."

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Jan. 5, 1865.

To the Senate and House of Representatives.

I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, covering estimates of additional appropriations required for the service of the Agency of the Department west of the Mississippi River.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Jan. 6, 1865.

To the Senate and House of Representatives.

I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of War, covering an estimate for an additional appropriation required by the Bureau of Engineers.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., Jan. 6, 1865.

To the House of Representatives.

In response to your resolution of the 19th November last, I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of War, which conveys the information desired, relative to the impressment of brandy, so far as the records of his office enable him to furnish it.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., Jan. 6, 1865.

To the House of Representatives.

In response to your resolution of the 24th ult., relative to unpaid requisitions upon the Treasury, drawn by the Quartermaster General and the Commissary General, I herewith transmit a