Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/567

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Second Congress.

correspondence between himself and General Joseph E. Johnston touching the command and movements of the Army of Tennessee, and all the correspondence between himself and Generals Beauregard and Hood touching the command and movements of the same army since the removal of General Johnston from the command of it, and up to the retreat of it to the south side of the Tennessee River."

The correspondence of the Secretary of War and of the Adjutant General will be found combined according to dates.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., February 24th, 1865.

To the House of Representatives.

In response to your resolution of the 17th of May last, I herewith transmit for your information a copy of my own correspondence as well as that of the Secretary of War, and of the Adjutant and Inspector General, with Genl. Joseph E. Johnston, during the period indicated.

The resolution is in these words:

"Resolved, That the President be respectfully requested, in addition to the correspondence heretofore communicated to Congress between the President and Secretary of War and General Joseph E. Johnston in relation to the conduct of the war in the valley of the Mississippi, to communicate to Congress so much of said correspondence as has not as yet been called for by this House, commencing with a letter of November 24th, 1862, addressed by General Johnston to the Hon. Geo. W. Randolph, Secretary of War, and including General Johnston's reply to the letter of the President of July last, which closes the public correspondence."

To the copy of General Johnston's letters of August 8th and 20th, 1863, which is requested in the latter part of the resolution, has been added a copy of my reply, bearing date September 7th, 1863, and closing the correspondence to which it belongs; and, with a view to presenting the whole subject at once, I have included a copy of the printed correspondence heretofore communicated to Congress, which was published by order of the House and which has been submitted in response to the resolution of December 11th, 1863, as follows: