Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/613

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Index. 58 r Baker's Creek, Miss., Battle of. (See Champion Hills, Battle of.) Ball's Bluff, Va., Battle of. A battle near Ball's Bluff, on the south side of the Potomac River, about 30 miles to the northwest of Washington City, Oct. 2i, 1S61. The Federals, 1,900, were commanded by Col. Baker, who was killed; the Confederates, by Gen. N. (',. Evans. The Federals were defeated with a loss of S94. Confederate loss, 302. Banks, A. D., mentioned, 85. Banks: Appropriation to pay interest on money borrowed from, in Ten- nessee, recommended, 154, 255. In Kentucky contributing money for subjugation of people in, 148. Taxation on, recommendations re- garding, 490. Barney, J. N., mentioned, 197. Baton Rouge, La., Battle of. A battle near Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, lS62. The Federals, 2,500, were com- manded by Gen. Williams, who was killed; the Confederates, about the same number, by Gen. Breckinridge. The Confederates attacked and were repulsed. Losses about the same, near 400, on each side. Battle, Cullen A., resolution of thanks tendered command of, 423. Battles. (See War between the States; encyclopedic articles; the several battles.) Bay of Mobile: Appropriation for defense of, rec- ommended, 196. Outer defenses of, capture of, re- ferred to, 483. Beall, John Y., trial and execution of, referred to, 553. Beauregard, Pierre G. T.: Correspondence with, regarding Army of Tennessee transmitted, 534- General, Confederate Army, nomi- nation of, 129, 306. Mentioned, 94, 95, 96, 209. Reduction of Fort Sumter exe- cuted by, 73. (See also 78, 98.) Communication regarding, 96. Beauregard, Pierre G. T. (Continued): Report of — Connected with defense of Charleston transmitted, 403. On Morris Island transmitted, 499- Resolutions of thanks tendered command of, 114, 133, 231, 338, 425- Beaver Dam Creek, Va., Battle of. (See Mechanicsville, Battle of.) Belgium, Confederate Commissioner to, 76. Belligerency of Confederate States recognized by foreign powers re- ferred to, 280. Belligerent Expedition, proclamation regarding, 565. Belligerent Rights. When governments are at war with each other there are certain rights or priv- ileges accorded them by neutral govern- ments which are known as belligerent rights. The recognition of such rights was accorded to the Confederate States by many neutral governments during the war, including Great Britain, France, and other important nations of Europe, and by Brazil. Belmont, Mo., Battle of. A battle near Belmont, in southeastern Missouri, Nov. 7, 1S61. The Federals, 3,000, were commanded by Gen. Grant; the Confederates, by Gen. Pillow. Loss of the former, about 500; and of the latter, about 600. Referred to, 137. Benjamin, Judah P., letter of, regard- ing restrictions on vessels leav- ing Confederate States transmit- ted, 147. Bentonville, N. C, Battle of. A battle at Bentonville, X. C, a town to the south of Raleigh, March 19, 20, 1S65. The Federals, 65,000, were commanded by Gen. Sherman; the Confederates, about 24,000, by Gen. Johnston. Federal, loss, 1,646; Confederate loss, about 2,Soo. Berlin and Milan Decrees referred to, 284. Bible Society of Confederate States, act for relief of, vetoed, 267.