Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/629

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Index. 597 cavalry, was killed. The Federals cap- tured 6,000 or 7,000 men, the Confederates continuing their retreat. Farrand, Ebenezer, resolution of thanks tendered command of, 275- Fasting and Prayer, day of, set apart by proclamation, 103, 135, 217, 227, 268, 324, 328, 412, 563, 567. Order regarding, 565. Faulkner, Charles J., arrest and im- prisonmentof, by Federal author- ities discussed, 142. Fearn, Walker, secretary of commis- sion to Russia, nomination of, Field Products: Cotton — Accumulated by Treasury De- partment referred to, 390. Non-destruction of, in Savannah, Ga., referred to, 533. Protection for, under control of Secretaries of Treasury and War referred to, 503. Purchased for Government in Louisiana referred to, 311. Sale of, in foreign markets under cover of certificates referred to, 317- Sale or hypothecation of, or cot- ton certificates in Europe re- ferred to, 319. Use of, as means of procuring Army supplies, 530. Vessels in Chesapeake Bay for exporting, referred to, 195. Tobacco — Rations of, for Army referred to, 455- Vessels in Chesapeake Bay for exporting, referred to, 195. Finances: Act amending act to reduce cur- rency and authorize new issue of notes and bonds vetoed, 470. Discussed, and recommendations regarding, 77, 123, 139, 191, 235, 259. 2 93> 3 6l > 44 6 > 4 SS » 53 2 . 545- Finances (Continued): Effect of action of neutral nations upon, discussed, 362. Loans — Appropriation to carry out act authorizing foreign, recom- mended, 301. Discussed and recommendations regarding, 77, 123, 361, 505. Made by Branch Bank of Tennes- see to Gen. Hindtnan referred to, 255. Propriety of providing for pay- ment of, by war tax discussed, 259- Plan of— Discussed, 489. First devised discussed, 361. Finegan, Joseph, resolution of thanks tendered command of, 480. Fisher's Hill, Va., Battle of. A battle near Winchester, Frederick County, Va., Sept. 22, 1864. The Feder-i als, about 20,000, were commanded by Gen. Sheridan; the Confederates, a much smaller number, by Gen. Early. Federal loss, about 1,300; Confederate loss, about 1,000. Fishing Creek, Ky., battle of, referred to, 200. Five Forks, Va., Battle of. A battle about 11 miles to the south- west of Petersburg, Va., Apr. 1, 1S65. The Federals were commanded by Gen. Sheridan; the Confederates, being a por- tion of Lee's army, by Generals Johnston and Pickett. The Confederates were driven back to their main works, which were captured with many prisoners. Their loss in killed, wounded, and pris- oners was over 5,000; Federal loss, about 1,000. Flag, Confederate. The flag of the Confederacy was some- times called the "Stars and Bars." It was first provided that the flag should consist of a red field with a white space extending horizontally through the cen- ter, and equal in width to one-third the width of the flag. The union was a blue square extending across the upper red and the white stripe, in which stars rep- resenting the States were arranged in a pircle, each star standing for a State,