Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/638

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Messages and Papers of the Confederacy.

606 Messages and Pafers of the Confederacy. Island No. 10, Tenn., Battle of. A battle on an island in the Mississippi River, near the northwestern corner of Tenn., Apr. 7, 1S62. The Federals were commanded hy Gen. Pope, assisted by Commodore Foote, with 7 ironclads and other vessels. There were no casualties on the Federal side. Confederate loss about 7,000, including officers and men, with many guns and small arms. Iuka, Miss., Battle of. A battle at Iuka, Tishomingo County, Miss., about 110 miles east of Memphis, Sept. 19, 1S62. The Federals were com- manded by Gen. Rosecrans, 9,000 men, and Gen. Ord, 8,000 men; the Confeder- ates, by Gen. Price, who attacked the Federals. Federal loss, 1 battery of ar- tillery and about 750 men, the Confeder- ate loss being heavier. Jackson, C. F., mentioned in connec- tion with admission of Missouri, 144. Jackson, Thomas J.: Report of, on operations in Valley District of Virginia referred to, 193- Resolution of thanks tendered com- mand of, 230. Jackson, Miss., Battle of. A battle near Jackson, Miss., May 14, 1S63. The Federals were commanded by Geikprals Sherman and McPherson; the Corrfederates, by Gen. Jos. E. Johnston. Federal loss, 300; Confederate loss, about Soo. Referred to, 345. James Island, S. C, engagement at, referred to, 245. James River, Va., defenses of, dis- cussed, 201. James River Squadron, resolution of thanks tendered officers and crew of, 231. Jamestown, The, resolution of thanks tendered officers and crew of, 231. Jay hawkers. A name given to bands of lawbreakers who kept up guerrilla warfare in Kansas about 1860-1S61. Jenifer, Walter H., report of, on bat- tle of Leesburg, Va., referred to, 192. Johns, Bishop, mentioned, 183. Johnson, Edward, resolution of thanks tendered command of, 169. Johnston, Albert S.: Death of, at battle of Shiloh, Tenn., discussed, 209. Resolutions of Congress on, 231. General, Confederate Army, nomi- nation of, 129. Report of, on disasters at Forts Henry and Donelson referred to, 207. Johnston, Joseph E.: Correspondence with, regarding — Army of Tennessee, 534, 535, 537- Operations transmitted, 394. General, Confederate Army, nomi- nation of, 129, 306. Report of, on operations — In Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana transmitted, 386. In Mississippi transmitted, 385. Of Army of Tennessee, 514. Publishing of, disapproved, 514. Transmitted, 394. Resolutions of thanks tendered command of, 133, 421. Johnston, Robert D., resolution of thanks tendered command of, 422. Jones, Catesby Ap R., command of squadron in battle of Hampton Roads assumed by, 197, 210. Jones, Sam, transportation of food prohibited by, referred to, 401. Jones, T. M., report of, on evacuation of Pensacola Navy Yard trans- mitted, 245. Jonesboro, Ga., Battle of. A battle near Jonesboro, Clayton Coun- ty, Ga., iS miles to the south of Atlanta, Aug. 31, 1S64. The Federals were com- manded by Gen. Howard; the Confeder- ates, by Gen. Hardee. The latter at-