Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/641

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Index. 609 Lincoln, Abraham, President United States (Continued): Letter of President Davis to — Regarding treatment and ex- change of prisoners of war, "5, 343- Referred to, 121. Mentioned, 273. Peace negotiations discussed. (See Peace Negotiations.) Power of, to suspend writ of habeas corpus or to delegate power of suspension discussed, 122. Little Rock, Ark., retreat of Confed- erate army from, discussed, 345. Loans: Appropriation to carry out act au- thorizing foreign, recommended, 3oi. Discussed, and recommendations regarding, 77, 123, 361, 505. Made by Branch Bank of Tennessee to Gen. Hindman referred to, 255. Propriety of providing for payment of, by -war tax discussed, 259. Loans, Foreign Cotton, referred to, 383, 390, 4 § 8- Lomax's Cavalry Brigade, resolution of thanks tendered, 429. Longstreet, James: Operations of, discussed, 347. Peace negotiations referred to, 550. Resolution of thanks tendered command of, 434. Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Battle of. A battle on Lookout Mountain, Tenn., near Chattanooga, Nov. 24, 1S63. The Federals, 16,000, commanded by Gen. Hooker, advanced up the northern face of the mountain, and attacked the Con- federates, who were retiring from the mountain to unite with Gen. Bragg's forces on Missionary Ridge, and captured about 1,000 prisoners. Discussed, 347. Loring, W. W., referred to, 193. Louisiana: Appropriation to refund excess of war tax paid by, recommended, 253- 39 Louisiana (Continued): Chief collector of taxes in, referred to, 394. Cotton purchased in, for Govern- ment referred to, 311. Marshalship of, referred to, 309. Military operations in, 386, 448, 482. Railroad in, construction of, re- ferred to, 256. Troops of, resolution of thanks ten- dered, 422. United States armies in, defeated, 345- Wheat's battalion of, disbanding of, referred to, 261. Louisiana, The, construction of, re- ferred to, 240. Lovell, Mansfield, correspondence with, regarding defenses of New Orleans, La., 310. Lowe, Ex-Gov., mentioned, 181. Lowry, W. B., rank of, discussed, 448. Ludlow, W. H., mentioned, 270. Lynch, P. N., special commissioner to States of the Church, nomina- tion of, 451. Lynch, W. F., mentioned, 198. Lynchburg, Va., flour impressed in, referred to, 304. Lyons, Lord, mentioned, 349. HI McClellan, George B., mentioned, 241, 276. McClung's Battery, resol ution of thanks tendered, 426. McCulloch, Ben, resolution of thanks tendered command of, 134. McDaniel, Zedekiah, joint resolution directing settlement of claim of, vetoed, 472. McDowell, Irvin, mentioned, 276. McDowell, Va., battle of, referred to, 320. McGowan's Brigade, resolution of

thanks tendered, 433.