Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/673

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War between the States (Continued): Rheatown, Tenn., operations at, 402. Richmond, Ky., battle of, referred to in proclamation, 268. Richmond, Va. — Army of United States threaten- ing, defeated, 233, 241. Referred to in proclamation, 268. Threatened capture of, 544. Roanoke Island, N. C, surrender of, referred to, 189, 207. St. Charles, Ark., engagement at, referred to, 238. Shiloh, Tenn., battle of — Discussed, 208. Gen. Albert S. Johnston killed at, 209. Reports on, transmitted, 245, 309. Slaves in. (See Slaves.) South Carolina volunteers referred to, 456. South Mills, N . C, affair at, referred to, 245. Springfield, Mo., battle of, referred to, 137- Staunton River Bridge, engage- ment at, referred to, 499. Stone's River, Tenn., battle of, re- ferred to, 317. Sumter, the, mentioned, 79. Tennessee, operations in, 448, 4S3. Tennessee River, operations on, 245- Texas, operations in, 482. Thanks of Congress tendered offi- cers and soldiers in. (See Reso- lutions of Thanks.) Tishomingo Creek, Miss., battle of, referred to, 499. Trans-Mississippi Department, op- erations in, 388, 530. Transportation facilities discussed, Si, 139, 151, 236, 249, 295,492, 533, Troops in. (See Army, Confeder- ate States; Army, United States.) 4 1 War between the States (Continued): Vicksburg, Miss. — Capitulation of, referred to, 345. Expedition to, repulsed, referred to, 276. Siege of, referred to, 3S6. Virginia, operations in, 448, 483. Wilmington, N. C— Defense of, referred to, 402. Running blockade of, referred to, 382. War Department: Appropriations for, recommend- ed, 303, 406, 533, 536. Clerks in, 303, 503. Employees in, referred to, 552. Number of men between 18 and 45 necessary in, 533. Report of, transmitted and dis- cussed, 73, 7S, 138, 151, 190, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201, 235, 294, 369, 447. 49i- War, Prisoners of: Enlistment of, taking oath of al- legiance to Confederate States, 501. Exchange of, arrangements for, 237,49-. 5 QI - Cartel of, transmitted, 241. Letter of President Davis to President Lincoln regarding, 343- Questions regarding, referred to, 395- Stephens, A. II., correspondence regarding appointment of, as commissioner on subject of, 339- Suspension of, discussed, 375, 445- Rations furnished, referred to, 376, 502. Relief of, arrangements for, re- ferred to, 502. Treatment of — Discussed, 120, 127, 128, 2S9, 376, 493-