Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/86

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Messages and Papers of the Confederacy.

Secretary of War of the amount required for the support of the Army of the Confederate States, also, of that requisite for the support of a portion of the provisional army, authorized to be raised.

The estimate, it will be observed, is for the authorized strength of the army, and as a large portion of that force will probably not be enlisted or commissioned, there will be a balance of appropriation which, if permitted, might be used to support additional troops of a provisional army, a character of force which may be more speedily raised, and on which we must, in any early necessity, expect mainly to rely.

Jefferson Davis.

Executive Department, March 12, 1861.

Hon. Howell Cobb, President of the Congress.

Sir: To enable the Secretary of War most advantageously to perform the duties devolved upon him in relation to the Indian tribes by the second section of the Act to establish the War Department of February 21, 1861, it is deemed desirable that there should be established a Bureau of Indian Affairs, and, if the Congress concur in this view, I have the honor respectfully to recommend that provision be made for the appointment of a Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and for one clerk to aid him in the discharge of his official duties.

Jefferson Davis.

Executive Department, March 15, 1861.

Hon. Howell Cobb, President of the Congress.

Sir: I hereby transmit a communication from the Secretary of War, suggesting for the consideration of Congress an additional appropriation of one hundred and ten thousand dollars for the purchase of cannon powder and musket powder. Concurring in his belief that his former estimate was insufficient, the additional appropriation asked for is commended to the favorable consideration of the Congress.

Jefferson Davis.

Executive Department, March 16, 1861.

Hon. Howell Cobb, President of the Congress.

Sir: I hereby transmit a communication from the Secretary of