Page:A Comprehensive History of India Vol 1.djvu/52

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B.C. —

nomical tahles, because fouiidcil on calcidationH which haxl been airried bi ward to a very remote period, were erroneously atwumed to exliibit the rt

Exterior of Great Chaitya Cave, Salsette. — From Ferguseon's Rock-cut Temples of Indin.

Hindoo of actual observations, and it was gravely maintained that the Hindoo a.« 

astronomy : . . . , .

nomer must have been sittmg m his observator', surrounded by his instrum and patiently committing the results of his obsei'vations to writing, nearly 1

Exterior of the Chaitya Cave, Abjtjkta. — From Fergusson's Rock-cut Temples of ludia.

years before Noah entered the ark. As usual in cases of similar extravaga

a reactionary feeling was produced, and many, running to the opposite extre

Siiidtobe ijxsisted that Indian astronomy had no independent existence, and was at be


rude plagiarism from the Chaldeans and the Greeks. More moderate views now entertained on both sides- and those best quahfied to judge, agree in hole