Page:A Comprehensive History of India Vol 2.djvu/16

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Disputed succession in Taujore — New settlement of this country — Proceedings in regard to Siu-at— Deposition of the Nabob of Arcot— Proceedings in Oude— Subsidiary treaty with the Nizam — Expedition to Egypt, 714


New treaty with the Nizam — State of aflPairs among the Mahrattas — The treaty of Bas- sein — A new Mahratta war — Operations in the Deccan — Victory of Assays- Operations in Gujerat and C attack — Operations in Hindoostan under Genei'al Lake ^Storming of Alighur — Battle and occupation of Delhi — Capture of Agra — Battle of Laswaree — Conquest of Bundelcund — Battle of Argaora — Siege of Gawilghur — Peace with Sciudia and Ragojee Bhonsla, 739


AVar with Holkar — Ameer Khan in Bundelcund — Disastrous retreat and discomfiture of Colonel Monson — Holkar invades Hindoostan — His siege of Delhi —His depre- dations in the Doab — Battle of Deeg — Rout at Furruckabad — Storming of Deeg — Siege of Bhurtj)oor — The failure of four assaults — Disputes with Scindia, . . 773


Manpiis of Cornwallis again governor-general — His policy — His death — Sir George Barlow governor-general — His policy — Mutiny at Vellore — Lord William Bentinck, governor, and Sir John Cradock, commander-in-chief at Madras, recalled— Disputes as to the appointment of governor-general — Sir George Barlow recalled by the king's sign-manual, 803


Lord Minto governor-general — Disturbances in Bundelcund — Arrangements with the Nizam — Embassies to Scinde, Cabool, and Persia— Mutiny at Madras— Disturb- ances in Travancore- Capture of the French and Dutch islands— Misgovernment of Oude — Revenue and judicial systems — The ryotwar settlement — Riot at Benarea —The Bengal missionaries — Discussions on the Company's charter— Close of Lord Minto's administration, 820