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A Concise Malagasy Grammar.

relationship of the second of two contracted words to the preceding word may be any one of these ten things:—

(1) It may be a possessive case; as, akànim-bòrona (akàny, vòrona), 'a bird's nest.'

(2) ... ... the agent of a passive or relative verb; as, tìam-hady (tìana, vàdy), 'loved by one's wife.'

(3) ... ... the object of a verb; as, manòso-dòko (manòsotra, lòko), 'to smear with paint.'

(4) ... ... a limiting accusative; as, tsàra-fanàhy (tsàra, fanàhy), 'good as regards disposition.'

(5) ... ... a noun in apposition; as, andrìan-drày àman-drèny (andrìana, rày, àmana, rèny), 'the nobles (who are as) father and mother.'

(6) ... ... a subject; as, ìtatàram-poza (tàtatra, fòza), 'crabs are the things for which people cut channels.'

(7) ... ... a predicate; as, nỳ fonòsin-dò (fonòsina, ), 'the thing that is wrapped up is putrid.'

(8) ... ... an adjective; as, zòva-tsòa (zàvatra, sòa), 'good things.'

(9) ... ... a verb in the infinitive mood; as, nasài-nanaò (nasaìna, nanaò), 'bidden to do.'

(10) ... ... an adverb; as, mipètra-pòana (mipètraka, fòana), 'to sit about idly.'