Page:A Concise Grammar of the Malagasy Language.djvu/21

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Table of the chief Active Prefixes.

For the signs of causality and reciprocity look up and down the Table: for the simple forms, look across it.

simple. causative. reciprocal. causative reciprocal. reciprocal causative.
Mi- m-amp-i- ... ... ... ... m-ifamp-i-.
Miha- (progressive verbs.) m-amp-iha- ... ... ... ... m-ifamp-iha-.
Maha- (potential verbs.) m-amp-aha- ... ... ... ... m-ifamp-aha-.
Ma- m-amp-a- m-if-a ... ... m-ifamp-a-.
Man- m-amp-an- m-if-an m-ampif-an- m-ifamp-an-.
Mana- m-amp-ana- m-if-ana m-ampif-ana- m-ifamp-ana-.
Manka m-amp-anka- m-if-anka- m-ampif-anka- m-ifamp-anka-.

Notice (1) that amp is the sign of causality, and if of reciprocity; and (2) that the causative-reciprocal sign ampif, and the reciprocal-causative sign ifamp, are only combinations of these two.

Tafa-, prefixed to a root, gives the idea of completeness, but differs slightly from our perfect tense, in that it may be used of something altogether past; in this respect it resembles rather the pluperfect of some languages. Père Webber says, (1) that tàfa gives the right answer to an intransitive imperative (as, Mìpetràka hianaò, sit down; tàfapètraka àho, I am seated); and (2) that while the prefix vòa implies the operation of an external agent, tàfa usually implies internal agency. Sometimes, however, these two prefixes seem interchangeable.