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A Concise Malagasy Grammar.

attached to the preposition àmy; as, misèho àmiko, 'to appear to me'.

(4) Rarely a dative case; as, màminày, 'sweet to us'.

As there is no reflexive pronoun in Malagasy, tèna (body) is used for self; as, namòno tèna ìzy, 'he killed himself'.

The Rule for attaching the suffix pronouns to any word is as follows:—(1) For words not ending in -na, -ka, or -tra; attach the full form of the suffixed pronoun, without contraction. (2) For words ending in -na, -ka, or -tra; if the accent is on the antepenult, take one or other of the contracted forms of the suffixed pronouns, and either throw away or shorten their last syllable. If the accent is on the penult, either the full or the contracted forms may be used; as, tràtro and tràtrako, 'my chest';—except in the case of passive and relative verbs and relative nouns in -ana, when only the contracted forms of these pronouns may be used; as, sasàna, 'washed', sasàko, 'washed by me'.

Examples of the modes of attachment of suffixed Pronouns.

1. To words not ending in -na, -ka, or -tra.

noun. verb. preposition.
Vòla, money. Àzo, got. Àmy, to, at, &c.
Sing. vòlako, my money. àzoko, got by me. àmiko, to me.
vòlanào, thy money. àzonào, got by thee. àminào, to thee.
vòlany, his (or her) money. àzony, got by him, (her, or it). àminy, to him (her, or it).
Plur. vòlanày, our money. àzonày, got by us. àminày, to us.
vòlantsìka, our money. àzontsìka, got by us. àmintsìka, to us.
vòlanarèo, your money. àzonarèo, got by you. àminarèo, to you.
vòlany, their money. àzony, got by them. àminy, to them.