Page:A Concise Grammar of the Malagasy Language.djvu/46

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A Concise Malagasy Grammar.

adverbs of place.

(Object seen.) (Object unseen.)
Etỳ, here. àty, here.
Èto, here. àto, here.
Èo, there. ào, there.
Etsỳ, there. atsỳ, there.
Èny, there. àny, there.
Eròa, there. aròa, there.
Erỳ, there. arỳ, there.

All demonstrative pronouns are used both before and after the word or phrase they qualify; as, ìo hàzo ìo, 'that tree'. This use of them is very convenient, especially with a long phrase, as all the connected words are thereby bound together.

Interrogative Pronouns.

These, which are few in number, are as follows:—

ìza, zòvy 'who,' 'which'? ìnona, 'what'? àn'ìza, an-jòvy, 'whose'? àn'ìnona (used of places only), 'where', 'what'?

The indefinite interrogatives are made by doubling these, and inserting between; as, nà ìza nà ìza, 'whosoever'.

The Relative Pronoun.

There is only one relative pronoun, izày, which cannot be declined, and is used for any case of either number.