Page:A Contribution to the Pathology of Phlegmasia Dolens.djvu/13

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symptoms are augmented in severity, and violent pains are experienced in the hypogastrium and iliac regions. The tumefaction in the thigh has increased, and at the upper and inner part is so great as to prevent the distended vein from being felt. The right labium pudendi is much swollen. The integuments of the limb are pale and shining, and everywhere pit on strong pressure.

26th. A similar affection observed to be commencing in the left extremity. There is pain and sense of numbness in the whole pelvic region. The calf of the leg is slightly tumid and painful.

27th. Fullness and severe pain in the left iliac region.—Swelling of the leg and temperature increased. No enlargement of the femoral vein can be felt, yet there is exquisite pain in its course through the groin and upper part of the thigh.

28th. From the diminution of the swelling of the right extremity, the indurated vein can again be felt in the groin, the pain however in this situation is much abated. The left extremity is swollen, stiff, hot, and painful, and cannot be moved, its integuments are white and pallid, and pit on strong pressure. The left labium pudendi is similarly affected. The femoral vein is felt enlarged and indurated in its passage through the groin;—intense pain marks its course down the thigh to the point where it