Page:A Contribution to the Pathology of Phlegmasia Dolens.djvu/21

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siding. A month after the last report, all traces of the complaint had disappeared, except a sense of stiffness, in the upper and inner part of the thigh, a slight degree of œdema about the ankle, and general debility of the extremity.

Several professional friends witnessed the process of this case, and had no doubt as to the nature of the disease.

March 11th, 1829. The extremity formerly affected has in all respects the same appearance as the other, but it is still so feeble, as to prevent her walking any considerable distance.

Case IV.—Mrs. Coghlin, æt. 37, No. 1, Abbey Place, Little Coram Street, was delivered on the 14th February, 1829, and on the 21st, was attacked with pain in the left inguinal region, which extended during the two following days along the inner surface of the thigh and leg to the ankle. Mid-way between the knee and ankle, and about an inch from the inner edge of the tibia, the pain was so acute on the 23d, that she applied several leeches over the part. In this situation a diffuse swelling took place, soon after the aggravation of the pain.

Feb. 25th. She complains of great weakness in the whole left inferior extremity, and pain along the inner surface of the thigh and leg, the trunk