kindness of my friend, Dr. Ley, for an opportunity of observing the progress of the symptoms.
In 1827, a similar affection of the saphena vein occurred in two patients of the Westminster General Dispensary, who were under my care, and in both of whom the inflammation commenced with pain in the iliac and femoral veins. The swelling in these instances was also limited to the inner surface of the thigh and leg.
Case V.—Mrs. Hopkins, æt. 39, No. 6, Little Earl Street, was delivered on the 11th of February 1829, and ten days after experienced a sense of weakness in the left lower extremity, with pain in the region of the uterus, and febrile symptoms. The pain continued in the hypogastrium for three or four days, and then became fixed in the left iliac region and groin.
February 26th. She now complains of pain in the left iliac region, and of general increased sensibility in the whole extremity, amounting to pain on pressure along the direction of the femoral vessels, where, however, there is no fullness or hardness to be perceived. There is a slight diffuse swelling in the calf of the leg, without increased heat or discolouration of the integuments. Considerable pyrexia.
March 6th. The pain is now chiefly confined