Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/115

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A. Cardinals. B. Ordinals.
90 D. halvfemsindstyve, halvfems, N. niti, nitti D. halvfemsindstyvende, N. nittiende
100 hundrede
101 hundrede og en, neut. Hundrede og et hundrede og förste
129 hundrede og ni og tyve hundrede og ni og tyvende
1000 tusind(e), N. tusend(e)

The cardinals are all uninflected save en, neut. et, which, to distinguish it from the indefinite article, is often written (D.) een, (N.) én; neut. (D.) eet, (N.) ét, ett. But with the definite article always den ene.

203. The ordinals are used only in the weak or definite form, excepting anden second; den anden the second or the other (N. colloquially den andre), plur. andre others.

hundred(e) and tusind(e) have no corresponding ordinals. In arithmetics the cardinals are also used as ordinals, but otherwise the use of the ordinals of these words is avoided as much as possible. En Hundrededel one hundredth part; en Tusindedel one thousandth part. (D.) Jeg siger dig det for ni og halvfemsindstyvende Gang; (N.) Jeg siger dig det for ni og nittiende Gang I tell you so for the hundredth time.

204. The cardinals halvtredsindstyve 50 etc. are exclusively used in Denmark and by the older generation in southern Norway. Femti, seksti etc. are used in most parts of Norway by all ages and classes of the people and by the younger generation all over the country. The abbreviated form halvtreds etc. are only used when the numerals occur alone, the full forms are used in connection with a noun. For halvtredsindstyve Aar siden fifty years ago. I Aaret femti in the year fifty.