Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/147

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(which) Manden bar, forskjønner (beautifies) ham (him) ikke. Maanen skinnede (shone) paa det store Hus. I Huset var der en Kat med (with) lang Hale.

The horse and the cow were in the house, but the man was in the field. He was looking at (saa paa) the moon. The man has a long nose, but no (ikke noget) hair on his (use def. art.) head (Hoved, pron. hode). The house is large. The moon shines on the large house and on the field, on the horse, on the cow and on the cat.

(§ 161.) I Arken var ikke et Ark Papir (paper) at faa (to be had). Men der var en Buk, som gjorde (made) et dybt (low) Buk for Noa, da (when) han (he) med sit (his) Følge forlod (left) Arken. Fyren havde fnndet (found) sig et Leie i Fyret, men ban betalte (paid) ingen (no) Leie. Barnet (child) bar en Værge, men Soldaten (soldier) bar et Værge.

This (denne) draught is a special (eiendommeligt) feature of this (dette) house. The fellow had the choice (Valget) between (mettem) the rice and the rod. A soldier without (uden) weapon is a miserable (elendig) fellow. The father (fader) is [the] guardian of (for) his child.

(§ 163.) Form the possessive of the following words, with and without the article:

Slot (n.) castle. Tag (n.) roof. Farve color.
Bog book. Hjærte heart. Ven friend.
Bind (n.) cover. Fiende enemy.

Et Tags, Tagets. En Farves, Farvens. Bogens. Mit (my) Hjærtes, Hjærtets. En Vens, Vennens. Min (my) Yens Bog bar et rødt (red) Bind. Bogens Bind er rødt. Bindets Farve er rød. Den røde Farve er Hjærtets Farve. Farven paa (NB.) Bogens Bind er rød. Vær (be) din (your) Yens Ven.